Zayn swallowed thickly, but then smiled and easy smile. "I know Louis. You're vicious. Heartless. The best at what you do. That's why they call us for the hard jobs. Ones like this one." Zayn sat down next to Louis, making the barrel brush against his arm. Louis let his gun drop to his lap and actually sighed a little at the familiar weight of the metal. Zayn took the piece of paper with the fifty-somthing woman's picture on it. "Let's see," Zayn looked it over, "Leslie Clarkson. Home Secretary."

"Oh God, she's the Queen's. Whatever she did, she deserves to be on the hit list. Fucking pricks." Louis picked up another paper while one hand stayed steady on his gun. "Looks like she'll be in Paris for talks this week. She'll be in a one on one with an ambassador from France on Thursday. That should be the best time to take her."

"We'll need to get into that conference. Highest clearance so we can get into the back rooms where she'll surely be meeting the ambassador. I'll get on that. Should have our invitations by tomorrow night," Zayn explained.

Louis nodded, not even doubting that Zayn would secure them two spots in private meetings with some of the richest and most influential players in the political world. That's why they were the best. Zayn was the brains. Louis was the bronze. But they were both smart and both dangerous. A force to be reckoned with. And right now, Louis felt sorry for anyone that made the mistake of getting put in a folder that would make it's way to Louis' coffee table. Louis turned back to the plan Zayn had laid out. The blueprints for the building they'd be invading. The names of all the guests going to be in attendance. The family members of Madame Secretary. Her internary for her week in Paris. Everything they'd needed to do their job.

They spent all night organizing things. By the time it was too late to continue they had flights booked, car rented, hotel booked, clothing ordered, and Indian takeout leftovers in cartons on the floor. Louis eyeslids were heavy and his hair was ruffled from running his hands through it, but he still had his gun on his lap, and let his fingers run over it every so often as a reminder of who he was. He never got too comfortable. Never let his guard down enough to be in danger. Even around Zayn, his partner for almost a decade and the only person that could pass as friend in his life. Zayn stayed the night. They were leaving in the morning for Paris and it would've been harder to have to meet up just a couple hours from now then to just use Zayn's go bag and leave from Louis' place together.


The airport was crowded, as Heathrow always was, with tourists and celebrities and families alike. Zayn and Louis had a small bag each thrown over their shoulders, so they didn't have to check anything. They didn't do baggage. The lady was very kind at the checkin desk. It was like she couldn't decide which one she wanted, but when Louis showed little interest she turned her attention to Zayn. Not that she was settling. Zayn looked good. Dark jeans, white tee, leather jacket, hair tall, smile laced with bad intentions. Louis didn't miss the fact that he was lucky to get to fuck Zayn, or be fucked by Zayn, basically whenever he wanted. Zayn was as fit a person as Louis had ever seen, but he didn't feel the need to be jealous. It wasn't like that. They were what they were, and sometimes Louis got pounded into the matress. It is what it is.

"Business or pleasure?" the too-blonde woman asked Zayn before she ran her tongue over her bottom lip too slowly to be for moisture purposes.

"For me, love, that's the same thing," Zayn purred, always smooth.

The woman giggled and stamped both of their passports, basically without looking. Good thing, Louis supposed, since they were in fact fake. Not that they wouldn't hold up. Those IDs had more background than his real one. But he always, no matter how many times he did this, got tiny flutters in his stomach when they would look over his picture and then to his fake name and birthdate. He sighed almost inperceptively when she handed them back along with their boarding passes, but Zayn caught it, like he always did, and gave him a reassuring nod. Zayn gave the woman one more teasing smile before leading Louis towards security with a hand on his back. Louis should've been irritated at the sign of possession, but that was Zayn, and that's just how he was.

For God and Country (Larry Stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now