Pine Trees

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I woke up the next day by a yelling Dio.

"Wake up sleepy head!"

"Oh my gosh, not so loud!" I yelled back putting my pillow over my head.

I was honestly exhausted still from yesterday. I barely got any sleep when Ski and I parted ways. I couldn't get over how I let him do that. A part of me was ashamed I gave into his seductive ways but the other part of me was yelling yolo.

"Get up and get ready the kids should be getting here soon," She said snatching the pillow off my head and shaking me.

"Okay, I'm up!" I huffed and finally sat up in my bed rubbing my eyes.

"What got you so tired girl?" She said looking at me curiously.

I ignored her and started grabbing my clothes so I could shower. I honestly didn't feel like telling her what happened between me and Ski. I didn't want to tell anyone about the matter. I just wanted to forget that it happened in the first place.

"Okay just ignore me then," Dio said laying back on her bed.

I continued to ignore her as I did all my hygiene stuff and got dressed. Once I was finally ready I walked out of the women sleeping quarters to the lounging area of the cabin. I heard laughing and I turned my head towards the sound. Jahseh and Ski were sitting on the couch joking about something. Ski looked up and noticed me and we made eye contact. Just seeing his face made me blushed and look away.

"Ay ayyyyy Eudoria come over here!" I heard Jahseh yell once he noticed that Ski wasn't listening to him but instead looking at me.

I walked towards them and sat in the middle of Ski and Jahseh.

"Hey what you guys doing?" I said looking at Jahseh. I could feel Ski staring me down.

"Nothing just listening to Ski's story about this girl he fucked."

My heart fell to my ass when I heard him say this. Were they talking about me? Ski and I didn't even have sex first of all.

"Oh really? I'm interested," I said looking at Ski and laying back into the couch.

Ski looks at Jahseh annoyed while Jahseh just looks back totally unaware of what was going on.

"Nah I'm good there's nothing to talk about," Ski says pulling out his phone and getting up.

"Bitch boy that wasn't what you were saying when you were telling about that girl who threw up while giving you top yesterday taha," Jahseh says while laughing and tilting his head at Ski.

"Vro stop talking!" Ski said slapping his head.

"Aw nah now I gotta hurt you," Jahseh says while playfully squaring up with Ski.

They start to play fight while I just sit there in shock. How dare Ski? I feel so disgusted with myself right now. How dare he act that way towards me yesterday? He said all that stuff to me just to get in my pants and I let him. Then he goes and messes with another girl. I get up from the couch and push past the two making sure to bump Ski's shoulder on the way out.

I start walking toward the main lounge aggressively. Words could not explain how mad I was. I then heard footsteps sprinting from behind me. I turned around and Ski running after me. I rolled my eyes and kept walking.

"Wait Eudoria!"

"What do you want Ski?"

He finally caught up with me and started walking beside me.

"Are you mad at me?"


"Your Lying"

"And if I was?"

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