I love you Siddhant

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Roli got up in the morning & saw she was sleeping on his lap.

Roli was thinking,  Oh I slept on his lap the whole night & does not let him to sleep properly.

Roli got up and found Sid sleeping in the sitting position leaning on the pillow.

Roli was starring at Sid.

Roli was thinking, How affectionated you are with me?  I dont know how was our relationship earlier.  I dont know how I met with accident and what all happend.  But since I opened my eyes in the hospital you are taking care of me like your eyes.

Roli got smile on her face

Roli: Siddhant I love you.

Sid just wake up and saw Roli starring at him.

SId: Good morning ROli.

Roli: Good morning.

Sid noticed a cute smile and happiness spread on Roli's face.

Sid is seeing this for first time after the accident.

Sid too gave a cute smile to her.


Roli was mesmerised by his smile.

Sid got up from the bed and moved towards washroom to fresh up.

Roli went near the window and looked outside.

The green trees & plants were giving treat to her eyes.

The climate was very cool and fantastic.

Roli saw in a distance a couple were sitting below the tree and the boy lay down on her lap.

Roli remembered herself sitting below the tree with Sid on her lap

The little memory gave a plenty of happiness inside her.

Roli blushed.

Sid who came out of the washroom and noticed blushing Roli near the window.

Sid: ROli...

Roli came back to conscious and turned towards Sid.

Roli: Hmmm

SId: ROli, go & fresh up.  Lets order break fast & tea.

Roli: Ok.

Roli went inside the washroom.

Sid ordered the break fast & tea.

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