Chapter 4 Embarrassment never ends

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Code: scream means the jumpscare noise from which ever game the animatronic makes. That also means that when I write "the animatronics yelled or yelped or screeched" means they scream like a human would.

30min later...

Foxy moved and shifted in his sleep, he started sweating and getting scared, he was having a nightmare.

Foxy's Mind.....

Foxy woke up in a dark room and panicked, he didn't know where he was. Suddenly he saw a shadowy figure come walking towards him, he froze and stood up, ready for a fight. The shadowy figure laughed and taunted Foxy.

???: Hahahaha, look at you, trying to act all tough! You couldn't even save your friends!

The shadowy figure snapped its fingers and lights came on, blinding Foxy, he blinked and saw his friends, but they were different, their eyes were red, they had black ooze coming from their mouths, bits of them looked like they had been melted off, and they had spiked collars on attached to leashes that the shadowy figure was holding. Foxy's eyes widened and he stood there, not knowing what to do. The shadowy figure laughed again and smiled.

Freddy: COmE On FoxY....
Bonnie: YoU CAn JoiN uS...
Chica: IT'lL bE fuN FoXy...
Golden Freddy: ReALLy FuN...

Then they charged at Foxy and pinned him down, Foxy yelled for help and started kicking and struggling.


*Nightmare end*

Foxy woke up crying and trembling. He frantically looked around and realized he was in pirate's cove. His body shook with fear and his face was stained with tear marks. He used his hook to climb out of his crib, once on the ground, he crawled outside and tried to find Mari, he called out to her, but she never came. Foxy turned around and went to the office, he stopped at the baby gate Mike set up and scraped his hook on the wall. Mike woke up to the sound of scraping and looked at Foxy. He wiped the drool from his mouth, got up, and went over to him.

Mike: *yawn* Hey, aren't you suppose to be asleep?
Foxy: I... had a nightmare, ye mind if I... sleep with ye?

Mike yawned, he was too tired to tease Foxy for wanting to sleep with him so he picked Foxy up and sat back down in his chair, he cradled him and started rocking him, Foxy went back to sleep and so did Mike. Meanwhile back in pirate's cove, Freddy woke up, he groaned and clutched his stomach as a sharp pain went through his body. Freddy sat up, still holding his stomach.

Freddy: Hnnnng.... ow, Mike and Mari were right, Ouch... that pizza came back to haunt me, Oww

Freddy suddenly felt his stomach rumbling, he knew what this feeling was and his eyes widened in fear, he had to go. Freddy started panicking, he looked around for a chance to escape, but the bars of his crib were to high.

Freddy: (oh no, I can't get out! What am I supposed to do?! There is no way I'm using this diaper, so help me, I will find a way out!)

The rumbling had gotten worse and Freddy groaned as the pain was becoming unbearable.

Freddy: (I know! I can call Mari, aw man, but if I do that she'll ask why, and I might wake up everyone else!)

Freddy took a deep breath and accepted the fact that he had to use his diaper, he grunted and pushed, after a few minutes, he was done, he felt the warm mess in his diaper and his eyes got watery. His lip trembled and he started silently crying, Mari came out of the back room.

Marionette: *sigh* I can't believe it took that long just to put their clothes away, oh well

Mari heard soft crying coming from pirate's cove and went to investigate, she opened the curtains and saw Freddy standing up while hanging on to the bars, crying. Mari went over and picked him up.

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