Evan: Hey, are you up?

Bill: What would happen if I said no?

Evan: Nothing. But I'll be with you all day, Jennifer has a shoot and she wants me to come with.

Bill: Oh great, just what I wanted. To deal with a complete and utter dumbass.

Evan: Fuck you. Don't you want to spend time with your best friend? Hah. C'mon buddy, you know you want to.

Bill chuckles, of course Evan wanted to spend time with him, just like old times. He was always the type to just be there. He was the main magnet to all girls, so Bill never complained.

Even though the ones he attracted were all annoying, prissy, bitches who didn't know if 2 plus 2 equaled fish or four.

Bill: You'll be with Evelyn and I, hope that she won't be a burden.

Evan: What? I like Evelyn! She can put up with your bullshit! Jennifer seems to like her too, so I'm excited.

And there's the excited, hyperactive Evan at 4:30 in the morning for you. Sometimes he texts Bill even earlier, spamming his phone. It was tiring, and down right frustrating but at least he talked to Bill.

Bill: Miss Jameson is an "eh" for me, she gets on my nerves.

Evan: You like her. I can tell. Bill has a crush!

Bill: Fuck off. No I don't.

Evan: Doubt!

Bill: Doubt me again, and we might have a problem. It'd be a shame if you lost your peepee

Evan: You still don't win.

Bill groans, putting the phone down on the couch. He doesn't have a crush, he basically just met the girl, kind of.

He doesn't believe in love at first sight, it was overwhelming and stupid as fuck.

Hell, in every single little romance story fucking uh Jerome falls in love with Nancy. Those are names that fit right? He sure does think so.

Evelyn peeks out of the bathroom, "Billy Boy, care to hand me my clothes? I don't feel like walking."

Bill looks at her, quite irritated, why couldn't she walk in front of the small passage covered in a towel? And why does she trust him that much?

Bill stands up, his black boxers coming into view,
"Where are they?"

"I can practically see your bulge," Evelyn rolls her eyes, "the clothes are on my bed."

He mumbles, "I'll fuck you on your bed."

She purses her lips, pointing to the door as he walks in, her eyes wavering down his sculpted back. Mm.


"Well, Bill, I'm not interested."

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