WARNING: a lot of partying, cussing; tease

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WARNING: a lot of partying, cussing; tease

Will be continued into next chapter

The next morning, Evelyn woke up in her bed, the red duvet draped over her body, the silk, shirt black nightgown covering it.

She looked around, seeing that the lights were all off but the tv in the living room was on. Um? What time is it?

She picks up her phone, staring at the clock on the front screen. Four in the morning, perfect timing. Her alarm goes off in thirty minutes.

Did Bill leave yet?

Evelyn stands up, walking out of the bedroom and into the open common area, seeing Bill asleep on the couch, his arm draped over his eyes and a blanket covering his own body.

She'll wake him up later.

Right now, she was going to get in the shower. And hopefully, he wouldn't wake up.

Evelyn noticed how attractive he looked, her dark eyes running down his face. For a moment, she spotted his bare shoulders, oh so he undressed? What time did they even go to bed?

It's way too early to be up.

Her eyes flick to the island, seeing wine glasses on the marble, and the tall bottle next to them.

Of course.

Stress reliever for the both of them.

Also, is it bad that she can't stop thinking about the way he touched her? It was so.. pleasurable.

"Evelyn?" Fuck.

She smiles tiredly, "Morning, Skarsgård."

He sits up, the blanket falling off of his torso. Leaning back against the cushions, he squirms uncomfortably.

"Were you watching me sleep?" Bill's lips raise into a very knowing smirk, a glimmer in his eyes.

"I actually was checking out the damage we did. Now, I'm going to get in the shower." He scoffs, it's like.. 4:15 in the morning. Does she always get up this early?

And why is he on the couch?

Why didn't he go back home?

Bill watched her retreat back into the hallway, the bathroom door opening and closing. She was seriously going to leave him out here by himself? Why couldn't he join in with her?

This was a whole bunch of bullshit!

Mm, he could hear the shower turn on. He should peek in, but he wasn't going to perv on Evelyn yet.

Rolling his eyes, he sees his phone screen light up on the table text to him. So he reaches over, unplugging it from the charger she lent to him. Why was Evan texting him so early in the morning? What the fuck does he want?

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