Chapter 10 : Nature Reserve

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That night the trio are busy with searching for the best if not nearest natural reserve.

Thailand's beautiful nature reserve are plentiful and wherever they go it will be an experience they can never forget.

Ming chose first the Chiang Mai's elephant reserve. They plan to visit not only 1 reserve that weekend.

Daddy Yo instructed Yo's bodyguards to book a room the moment the sky turns dark

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Daddy Yo instructed Yo's bodyguards to book a room the moment the sky turns dark. of course it should be complete with all the amenities Yo usually use.

and so, with that in mind. Ming is not worried of spending time to fully enjoy the trip.

of course there are also reserve that Ming considered like that of Khao Sok or the blue lake...

of course there are also reserve that Ming considered like that of Khao Sok or the blue lake

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but knowing Yo... Yo would like to be near those gentle giants. after informing Yo and Sky of the plan, Ming packed his things and all the gadgets they will need to document everything.

 after informing Yo and Sky of the plan, Ming packed his things and all the gadgets they will need to document everything

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Yo on the other hand can't contain his excitement.  He even asked his nanny to help him pack his things. making sure not to forget anything.

while Sky is making plans on his own

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while Sky is making plans on his own.

other than the basic necessities, Sky is bringing a luggage filled with extra materials

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other than the basic necessities, Sky is bringing a luggage filled with extra materials. One for him. and One for Yo. He knows Ming very well. He needs not be reminded of how well Ming can be very careful of everything he has and like.

Although Sky is not sure how Ming feels about Yo. it is clear that Ming cares for Yo. that he will not deny. but whether that care is something else or even more. this trip will let him know for sure.

and so. the sun is not even up when Yo woke up. unlike usual days when he will be woken up by his nanny. today Yo woke up by himself and he immediately went to the bathroom to prepare.

Yo : Today is the Day!!!

extremely excited for this trip, Yo went to a very uneasy sleep. whether he's awake or not. he keeps on imagining the things he will do.

By the time he went to dining area. Yo found his Nanny waiting for him. His nanny knows him so well. and so she prepared the breakfast earlier than usual. also, his daddy is already having his coffee.

Kissing his dad a good morning. Daddy Yo doesn't even need to be explained of the situation. He is just happy that his baby is so happy this morning.

Daddy Yo started with asking if everything he needs is packed and that does he even know where thet are going. his phone. his wallet. his belongings.

one by one Yo answered and one by one he feels happier. like a dream that is coming to life. Yo was informed of the things Daddy Yo arranged. like.

They will be using a van arranged by Daddy Yo. and that a car will be following them so if they need extra help they can just call them.

as much as he wants to let Yo to feel free just like any other child. as the only child of one of the richest family he cannot do so. and Yo understands.  and he knows why the body guards will be in another car.

to make him feel better about trying to be "independent" and be on his own. or with his friends.

almost 7am and Ming and Sky came at the same time. sent by their own family cars. Yo saw that both Ming and Sky brought a luggage each. and a backpack.

After the two greeted Daddy Yo, Yo kissed his dad and went to his van. Sky followed but not Ming. Ming was called by Daddy Yo for some last minute instructions.  and after 5 minutes.  they are off to their first destination.

the elephant reserve

the elephant reserve

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and so...let the adventure begins....

earlier... Sky is looking at Yo with gentle eyes. He can't help but be amazed at how innocent this boy can be. Yo is looking at Daddy Yo and Ming impatiently and when Yo can't take any longer, just like a child he called for Ming to come over...

Yo : Ming! Dad! we have to go!

Ming and Daddy Yo just smiled but Ming obliged and now he's inside the spacious car.

Ming caught Sky looking at Yo dreamily.  but said nothing.

Hello There!Have any guess what Ming and Sky prepared for this trip? or better what do you think will happen to the very excited Yo

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Hello There!
Have any guess what Ming and Sky prepared for this trip? or better what do you think will happen to the very excited Yo. That and All. Next time. Have a great weekend everyone 😘

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