Chapter 6

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Minho's POV:

"It had been two days since the stabbings happened that nearly killed Grace. We buried Alby yesterday. I couldn't even bear to watch him be buried, he didn't deserve it after he hurt her. He hurt one of us basically all of us. I couldn't understand why it felt like the cloud of disparity was above us. But I knew that we were going to have to get out of here once and for all. Her body started to twitch and I saw her hand move and I hear serval quiet whimpers come out of her mouth."

"Hey Grace shhhhhh it's okay I've got you I'm here." I said as I kissed her on the forehead as she slowly started to open her eyes.


"Min, Minho?" I said as I looked up slowly with a raspy tone as nausea flooded into my body and the feeling of soreness was in my shoulder and near my neck.

"Hey lovely. I missed you." Minho said as he placed his lips on mine as a smile grew on my face

"I was stabbed wasn't I?" I said as I looked down at my shoulder to notice the fresh stitches that were covering what seemed to be a large wound. I went to touch it only to feel extremely dizzy as I turned myself over and vomited up a mixture of dark and light blue liquids.

"Well you were stabbed. But it was with Griever venom." Teresa said as she walked over to me with a wet washcloth and a vial of what looked to be water.

"And what's this?" I said with an uneasy tone as she just laughed considering with what had happened the first day I was there.

"It is something that won't kill you." Teresa said to me as I ripped my head back and downed the vile. My stomach felt warm but no nausea. It was a nasty taste that was left and my mouth as I just looked at Teresa and heard Minho laugh.

"Oh you think it's so funny!?" I said with a laugh as I playfully hit Minho on the arm as he fell right off the edge of the bed and all of us burst out laughing.

"And if I do think it's funny then what?" Minho asked as he looked at me from underneath the bed. I moved my self to the edge and put my face underneath the bed so I could look him in the eyes as he move closer towards me.

"I wouldn't do anything but love you more." I said in a whispered tone as Minho grabbed my face and kissed me passionately. When we pulled away I couldn't help but smile the biggest smile I have ever worn before. Minho just blushed and tried to hide his face as I kept yelling MINHOS BLUSHING MINHOS BLUSHING! Over and over again which just made him laugh. It wasn't long before Minho and I walked out of the Tent where I we had been. My arm was around his waist and his arm was around my waist as well. Thomas and Newt came over to us followed by Teresa. We knew that this is what we had to do.


"Y'all know this'll never work right?" Newt said as I just stared him down and stuck my tongue out and he did the same.

"It will work. Trust me Minho and I know mainly everything about this." Thomas said as just glared at Newt

"We're going to have to leave at Dawn when the gates first open that way we can avoid the Grivers and find out where we can shelter overnight." I said as Minho grabbed my hand and intertwined it with his as I moved in close to him. He kissed my cheek as I just smiled.

"I have enough antidote incase we get stung and we can always make more with whatever we find if we can perfect it." Teresa said as she bit her nails and Newt put his hand around her waist

"I'll gather the weapons, that way we'll have enough." Thomas said as he just looked at all of us with a smile

"I've got food." Newt said as he kissed Teresa and then looked at us as we just laughed.

The One Called MinhoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora