Chapter Two

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C/W: mild description of suicide/ a body, mention of child abuse, description of violence.

Kit burst into the bar, and stopped for a second at the door to catch his breathe.
The barmaid, a Fae girl named Hyacinth who had long lavender coloured hair that mesmerised many of the tavern's patrons, looked at Kit with concern and beckoned him over towards her.
"Why do you look like you've been running from the devil himself, Kit Rook?"
"Where's Hypatia? Is she awake?" Kit asked, almost pleading.
"She's in the library, as per usual," Hyacinth smiled as she spoke, almost absentmindedly, until Kit nodded and went to walk on. "Here! Where're you goin' so quick? I want to know what's happening!"
Kit sighed and beckoned her into the supply room behind the bar.

Hyacinth stood facing him with her arms crossed and one eyebrow raised.
"I was eating my food up on the big tree outside the market and enjoying the view right?" He began.
"Righttttt," Hyacinth replied.
"When I noticed a ship on the horizon-"
Hyacinth gave a short laugh, cutting Kit off. "Is that what you're so worked up about? A late evening arrival in the port?"
Kit made an impatient noise. "No, 'Cinth, it's not a Royal Navy ship, because they're white with gold sails AND this is heading towards our port not the royal docks. It's not a supply ship, because they're smaller than this one. Do you see where I'm going with this?"
Hyacinth paled. "No, you don't think it's...?" She trailed off.
"Pirate ships tend to look like regular ships these days, don't they? 'Patia said it makes them less recognisable, less threatening, means people won't attack them the moment they're spotted- giving them an advantage. But this one is way bigger than a supply ship. From what I can see, this ship is a dark brown. Surely you've heard the stories about a pirate ship like that, haven't you?"
"Fuck Kit- you mean the rumours about the Blackthorn Clan, don't you?"
Kit merely nodded his head, the anxiety bubbling up in his stomach about what could happen if his suspicions are right.
"You know better than I do, I know you've always wanted to join a pirate crew," She smiled at him.
Kit looked mildly surprised at the comment, but merely shrugged- he didn't exactly hide his interests and they had known each other for several years.

"We need to tell Hypatia. C'mon, I'm coming with you," Hyacinth said, dragging him out of the room.
"Hey!" A man sat at the bar called, "Another drink from the pretty lady?"
Hyacinth whipped her head around with what Kit thought was almost breakneck speed.
"Ask Aeval, dickhead," she quipped, pointing at the other barmaid- a quiet Faerie girl with emerald skin- before pulling Kit through the door and into Hypatia's quarters.

As they walked up the hall, Hyacinth mused aloud- "I wonder how the Blackthorn's came to be pirates? I heard they were one of the rich families from up on the hill."
"From what I picked up from the market, their father was found with his throat slit and all the children missing four years ago. No one knows much else apart from the family themselves," Kit remarked.
"Isn't there also another girl from just outside Alicante with them too? Something Carstairs?"
"Yeah, Emma. Used to see her about the market up until a couple years ago, parents washed up dead on the beach and she ran off to sea."
"God that's fucking tragic."
"I guess it's life, not even the rich are safe in this world," Kit responded, knocking on the library door.
"Come in," the Hypatia's melodic voice called from inside.


The Blackthorn family used to be a noble and wealthy family, residing over a large beachside estate in Alicante.
Andrew Blackthorn and Eleanor Blackthorn we're fortunate enough to meet after Andrew returned from being kidnapped in the lands of Faerie- bringing along his two young half-Fae children, Mark and Helen, who had been conceived whilst he was imprisoned. The couple went on to have five more children together- Julian, Livia, Tiberius, Drusilla and Octavian: all names after figures in Roman mythology.

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