Introducing Ealin jones

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" Ealin became younger and stared his college"

Ealin  ~

I went to the college , meet my new friends name Suzanne,Winnie and Jax and saw my new classmates . As it is my first day I spend quality of time with friends .....

First day gone happily ,

But on the next day ;

We all went to class and we took our seats .

Suddenly One girl came and shouted on me for sitting on her bench !... as she was my class mate ..  I told her to .... shut up and sit on the another bench.
She started pulling my hair and shouting ; ...... stand up this is my bench .... no one dares to seat here ... then I also pulled her hair and said I will be seating here  and I came here first so you  just go away ...

And for a meanwhile my anger was out of control and suddenly I throw a seat on the wall of the class .. everyone was surprise !! With me ! .... and I was thinking!!! How did I do this ? And how it's possible?

All my friend was explaining me that I have done all this in anger .
" Like ~ you took the chair and throw into the wall . Nothing else ."

Then we left the class ....

But ; At some point I was thinking that , i haven't pull that chair ... I didn't even touch ....How it's possible ! I think my senses are losing , I don't even know how did I do this ?????

And all of Sudden that girl started shouting my name and following me .... i just ignored her and start walking speedily  ... then also she was continuously following me ...  I stoped walking there and ask her wait ; what's your problem ??? why are you following me ......!!!

she said politely " SORRY"  I behaved very badly with you ... and talk to you in very bad manner .. I am really sorry for this .
Ealin ~oh really , you spoke sorry to me !!! you are such a wild cat .

Girl ~ what did you just told me .... a wild cat ? Seriously , I am here to tell you sorry but now I think  , I  was so wrong to say it , but you know , you don't deserve this !

Ealin ~ Ealin ; my name is Ealin Jones.

Girl ~ I didn't ask you , go to hell and I don't care whoever you are!! Bye .

Ealin ~ Hey, wait and tell me what's your name ???

Girl ~ Halley ; my name is Halley
Morgan ;

Ealin ~ actually yes ,,, can you be a friend?

Halley ~ seriously man ?? .....You and me friends !!
No never ,

Ealin ~ wait ! what ??

She turned and moved ;

Ealin ~ wait , where are you going, you didn't tell me anything??
so friends but you don't pull or spoil my hairs again  !!! 

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