i. introduction

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Annie's POV

It's been 4 years since you've last heard from me. Asher, Aubrie, and I have lived the best lives. Asher and I became famous actors, singers, and youtubers somehow. Asher proposed to me 1 year ago and we are getting married in April. Aubrie is about to start kindergarten. She's grown up so fast. We never made an Instagram for her because we want to keep her out of the spotlight a little other than youtube. Asher, Jack, and I have been like the golden trio. Katie and Luke have been by a few times and they're engaged now! They'll have their wedding in Maryland in July. Yeah, so that's about it for now. Aubrie has gotten into her singing phase, so she dragged me into our living room, so she could do karaoke.

An- What song little lamb?

Au- Daddy's song!

An- Okay baby.

I turn on One Thought Away and we start singing. She always loves to do the Wiz Khalifa part, so I let her sing that. Asher comes downstairs and takes the other microphone and starts singing. God, I love him. We all sing  and the song comes to a finish. Asher goes up to Aubrie and puts her on the couch and he sits on the floor in front of her.

As- Uh oh! It think you have a visitor.

Au- Who?

As- The Tickle Monster!

He starts tickling her and she starts laughing like crazy. I happen to know that Asher is ticklish and go up behind and start tickling him. Aubrie joins in and sits on him. He picks her up and puts her on his back for a piggyback ride. They run around all over the house and sit back down on the couch. Asher kisses me on the forehead then Aubrie.

As- Aubrie time for bed.

Au- Can you read me to sleep?

As- Of course.

They go upstairs and Ash reads her to bed. He comes back down and kisses me.

As- You know how much I love you?

An- I don't know, how much?

As- How big is the universe?

An- Infinite, that we know of.

As- Exactly.

I kiss him and we go to bed.

how do y'all like this story? I hope you like it.

My Angels | sequel to 3,000 Miles Away{Ashannie}Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat