Pollar Opposites

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Having emotions is no surprise for us, we all feel something one way or another and we all individually share our feelings differently.

Although sometimes there are cases when people either show too many emotions, so much that it consumes them and they lose self control over it, or in other cases they show too little, so little that only their close friends can understand their true desires.

Kira belonged to the second type, she was an average girl, with good friends and
normal family, her emotionless state wasn't caused by typical reasons like, "too many people have wronged me so now i have trust issues and have to protect my heart" also there was no childhood trauma to cause inability to show emotions, she just preferred not to. sometimes it seemed weird for strangers who thought that she was just moody and boring, but she didn't care, people who she cared about the most knew her and it was enough, she could live perfectly with showing basic or minor emotions like smiling and sadness from time to time, in the end all she needed was logic and strong sense of control over her emotions.

It's almost a miracle that she met Adrien at one of her friend's party.

Adrien was the complete opposite of Kira, he was full of emotions to share, there were times when he would start sobbing solely because he was happy. He wasn't bipolar, just a boy with a really big heart who wasn't afraid of pouring it all out. He had many friends and almost instantly clicked with everyone he met, he was the life of the party and almost everyone would go to him when they needed an emotional support. It may sound like him being overly emotional is bad for his own mind, but you would be surprised if you knew the amount of people he had helped thanks to his character and deep understanding of emotions. boy was just too happy with his life for him to care about logic and restricting what his heart desired. Although sometimes it sucked that he would feel too much and somebody would break his expectations in them. For better or for worse it never stopped him, he loved his life as it was.

Even though Kira and Adrien were complete opposites of each other, they clicked almost instantly after meeting each other, they would text 24/7, of course they would sleep but one wasn't going to sleep before another and vise versa. They cared for each other deeply despite the barrier that was caused by their difference outlooks on emotional boundaries.

Kira was always surprised how someone as smart as Adrien would let his heart lead his actions, even when actions were important affecting his own life he would decide instantly by listening to his heart, it almost never failed for him, but for Kira it was insensible to make decisions on the go, she HAD to look through every detail, rethink every option and after careful thinking finally decide, it never failed for her, as far as she could remember logic and clear mind was her best and reliable option to live.

It should also be mentioned that friendship with each other made each individual change in small steps, it was slight changes at first like Kira would type more hearts when wishing Adrien goodnight and showed him that she cared a lot about him, she knew that Adrien valued feelings so she didn't want to upset him with emotionless texts and Adrien would give her advices after deeply thinking about them, he knew that Kira relied on logic and didn't want to upset her with his rushed decisions.

After few months changes became more noticeable, as if the two balanced each other out, in a healthy way of course, it happened naturally, since when you spend a lot of your time with a person you start to behave and act like them and yes, that happened to them, but also a new and unusual feeling sparked between them, first it was attraction, then crush and finally love.

It's no surprise that Adrien felt it at first but Kira felt the same shortly after, she would smile more often and think about him more, they both would try to mention each other as much as they could in basic conversations, both wanted to spend more time together despite having their own lives and responsibilities that oftentimes would get in the way, but they tried to overcome it anyways.

But the dilemma was that they couldn't confess feelings to each other. Adrien didn't fear to show his emotions, he feared that Kira wouldn't talk to him after, so he had a carefully thought-out plan on how to confess to her without ruining the friendship, on other hand Kira feared that Adrien wouldn't like her because of her emotionless self and thought that if she ever confessed it would be in a matter of seconds without even thinking, when she really wanted him to know.

This lasted couple of months, they both were too impatient and just wanted to say it, they only needed to get enough courage for it. Finally Kira caved and told Adrien that she wanted to tell him something.

-Hey Adrien - said the girl when meeting the guy - i'm glad you came.

-You know i can always find time to meet you babe, so what's up? you wanted to tell me something - boy was a bit fidgety, it was unusual for Kira to ask him to meet just to talk, so he expected her to say something serious and very important.

-Yeah, it's kind of important and serious for me - hearing that made boy smile for guessing the situation, but he immediately wiped the smirk away to not make her uncomfortable - We've known each other for almost a year now and i want you to know that meeting you has been one of the best things that has happened to me.

Adrien cut her off for a second - if this is going the way i want it to go then you should stop because it's me who should say it first - this sentence left Kira astounded, clearly they knew each other really well, but she didn't like when boy was talking vaguely to her because she didn't understand what he meant, so at this point he either wanted to stop hanging out with her or wanted to be together like she did.

Also, since Kira was more stubborn she wouldn't let him be the first to confess his feelings, since it was all the guy was doing in his life. She wanted a chance to prove that she wasn't all that heartless and that she changed and had a healthy understanding of her emotions.

-No, please let me continue - she said and boy nodded with a smile, he cared for her too deeply and didn't care whatever would come up from her mouth, he was just happy to have met her and spend so much time with her, despite the outcome he would still understand and love her unconditionally.

-As I said knowing you is the best thing that could happen to me, talking to you every day is what keeps me going in life and sharing everything with you has helped me to understand myself more and some can even say that we balance each other out in the most healthy way possible! So Adrien, I have finally decided to - boy cut her off again, he wanted to hear what she wanted to say, but he also wanted for him to say it at the same time, to show how much she means to him as well and to be able to prove that being with her would make him better than ever.

-Please, Kira, I know what you're doing, I couldn't be prouder of you for getting so much courage to let your heart out and say what you feel - this intro of his speech was concerning for the girl, she thought he was going to reject her even before the confession, which was heartbreaking, but she still tried to keep her mind clear and wait for him to finish the sentence.

-I want you to know, that knowing you is the best thing to ever happen to me as well, when I'm with you I feel immense comfort, as if I'm a kid again and there is no worry in my little world, you have taught me a lot in the last months and I couldn't be more thankful for that, but what I want me and you to do now is to confess each other's feelings together, I want it to be a mutual thing so one won't feel lesser than other, after all we're a team aren't we? - At this girl nodded instantly - so, are you ready?

Girl had a wide smile across her face, she was so in love with him that it was consuming her, she never met a person that understood her so deeply and made her feel like she could be anything with him without making him run away, it was a miracle for her to meet him that's why she didn't need carefully thought plan for this confession. she nodded to him and they got ready to say it.

Kira&Adrien: i'm in love with you!

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