Chapter 4

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My body was heavy, chains clasped over me overlapping. My shaking stopped, but as I maneuvered over to see Optimus he was looking at the floor full of dried energon. He had no expression, just in a state of thought at the moment. I looked at the stains and smears, then stared trying to think back. 

'Oh, did this or maybe the unseen part of me. No, that isn't me. I won't willingly kill without a reason behind it even if they are the enemy.'

Bee was in recharge, but still his helm was positioned facing the scene. Then the doors slid open revealing a earnest megatron, his pedes pounding against the floor. His gazed trailed from Bee, to optimus now focused to finally straight at me. 

Megatron sneered at my exhausted optics, he liked my expression of defeat. 

"Do you like killing?" he asked 

I tiredly glared at him, "No"

"How do you not like it?"

"Because it isn't right"

"Well you just killed these soldiers like it was nothing wolftacon" said Megatron grinning gesturing his point toward the floor.

"I never meant to, the only reason I had to use violence was to protect optimus and Bumblebee nothing else behind it" I barked at him.

"Then you could've just stopped the fighting with reason as you say but.."

"..i-i didn't, there was another way wasn't there. Another chance.." I admitted grumbling that he was right.

"That is why your species is almost extinct. Eons ago, before the great war cybertronians have been hunting your ancestors for fear of their abilities that could destroy civilizations or even worlds if the species desired but the primes stopped the cybertronians. And now you are the last, remaining wolftacon in the Iacon records. They're could've been another path from this bloodshed, but your kind chose to come out and see the universe. As for the universe, thought of it as one a threat. As cybertron saw the decepticons as a threat, when merely seeking equality " said Megatron twisting his words.

"You are a killer, a fighter, a great decepticon perhaps, but now you are mere....." 

"NNOO!! Please!"I pleaded tugging and pushing against the chains to stop him from continuing. Megatron slowly leaned over to my audio receptor and in a venomous inflection.

"A MONSTER!!!" Megatron loudly whispered for Optimus and the waking scout too to hear him finish. 

BumbleBee asked Optimus something in three weak beeps looking up at Optimus.

A moment passed, optimus gave a big sigh and I looked down toward the ground of the ship. I was appalled, all this information was passing through me was unknown and was hurting. My entire life..species..expelled..for fear of chaos engulfing the universe. My vision was now getting blurry from all so many lies, I don't wants real or a lie. 

"Ah, in disarray are we..poor thing. Well, I would assume you would at least know of your basic ability to the least." he commented. I looked at him, my thoughts lost.

"It seems not.." megatron mumbled under his breath.

"Well, if you hadn't have the feature of a drill installed from birth in your denta. What a handy attachment, a shame you hadn't known up until now." he sarcastically "shoved" to me. I was a little shocked but then again, now a question had for awhile had been answered. Bin had brought always brought us bowls of energon everyday, and everyday I wondered how he processed it so efficiently.   

"You're lying, YOU'RE LYING!!! My race was not feared, they took shelter in the sonic canyons since they didn't want to disturb the primes and their construction of cybertron." I retaliated.

"But tell me, why in the Sonic Canyons? They could've been stayed at Kaon, the Manganese Mountains, why not perhaps even the Sunkan Plains. They are very much more suitable settlements, but why the Sonic Canyons? Maybe the reason behind it was because of their past dilemma not repeating itself." he explained.

"The dread..and suspicion of our race, disappearing from the sights of the above would leave them happy that their world held no threat to them. It was...a lie." I trailed off heartbroken, a faint streak of oil slide down the side of my faceplate.

Bee looked at me, agonized of these overwhelming changes of events. Bee looked at Megatron, he was grinning pleased of my expected reaction, Bee then glanced at Optimus. He had his optics closed, mask covering most of his obvious expression: Regret. He was frustrated, grieving in his own way without exposing himself. 

'What a prideful decision, but who could've guessed she would appear here. Optimus, you knew that this would catch up to whether it would be vorns later. Why..' Bumblebee thought, anguish filling the room.

"NNNOOO, LIES, LIES!!!! DECEPTION, DECEIT, A FALSEHOOD!!!" I yelled enraged but broken breaking the remorse silence in the room.

I broke from my chains and ran past them and every bot I encountered as fast and swift as I could preventing anyone from catching me, looking only a glimpse back at the room.

Megatron laughing and the finally words he yelled toward me was "YOUR CAPACITY IS AS OF MORE THAN THE PRIMES!!!!!!!"

When I made it to the hanger of the ship without getting captured, those words haunted me. When I took that glance of the room, I saw grief and sadness in Bee's optics. But the most painful thing I saw in there, was optimus' unforgettable silence. I jumped off the ship, and falling and falling..slipping through the air was the best feeling so far but now was not the time. I shifted into a jet and flew off quickly as fast as I could. I circled around and landed a tracker on their ship. I turned around again with all the power put into my engine, I zoomed off toward the setting sun in the sky. 

'I will find a way to free you Optimus and Bee, no matter the cost I will free you from Megatron's grasp. Even if it hurts me looking at your faces full of fear now, I promise this.

I kept on flying towards the falling sun of this planet, in all the guilt I had in my mind this was unforgivable in any shape or form I saw in myself. 

'Farewell,...for now.' 

Sorry for the sad chapter!!!!!


A/N: Actually I'm gonna change the settings to season 1 through 2 since some time will pass by in some future chapters. I hope you guys enjoy, I love my Oc's emotion. If you have any questions or comments, type away! I don't take offensive comments about the story, I will continue doing my best to get the characters as accurate as the show! Thank you!!



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