"That's the point, Matthews. We can take care of ourselves," Bellamy then turns to the crowd. "Can't we?" It unsurprisingly draws cheers and Bellamy clearly gets off on the feeling of power.

"You think this is a game?" Wells says from behind me, the crowd quietening.

"Those aren't just our parents and friends. They're our farmers, our doctors, our engineers. I don't care what he tells you, we won't survive here on our own. Besides, if it really is safe, why wouldn't you let the rest of our people get away?"

"My people are already down." Bellamy begins, before pointing to the sky. "Those people locked my people up. Those people killed my mother for the crime of having a second child. Your father did that."

"My father didn't write the laws." Wells says in defence.

"No, but he enforced them. But not anymore. Not here. Here, there are no laws. Here, we do whatever-the-hell we want." Bellamy announces.

"Whatever-the-hell we want!" Murphy calls out, pumping his fist in the air, and everyone begins to chant the phrase out. The intensity of it begins to disturb me. All I want to do is stop it. I look at Wells and notice he feels the exact same, I can see it in his eyes. Only something stops it for us.


It's gentle at first, but hard enough to freeze everyone. All of our eyes begin to drift toward the sky. And then the sky opens and it begins to pour, igniting a rapturous frenzy on the forest floor. So this is rain. People begin to fling their arms out, open their mouths, drink the rain as it splashes against our skin. It doesn't take long for me to become soaked, my blonde hair dripping in water and the front strands sticking to my skin. I brush them out the way with my hand.

I move my eyes from the sky toward Bellamy, who was already staring right at me. For a moment we just watch each other before I take a few more steps towards him, until we are centimetres apart. He's the ring leader of all this, he's the only one I need to speak to. "Stop this whatever the hell we want bull. Most of the people here are criminals- dangerous criminals. Some even murderers. You really want no rules with people like that around?" I ask him.

"Murderers- like you, you mean?" He smirks a little when saying this, almost appearing amused.

"Yeah, exactly. Only some of them did it in cold blood." I spit, trying to act as if his comment didn't hurt. "Yes, Jaha had some pretty stupid laws but he kept us alive. What you're doing is gonna get us all killed."

"You were locked up there too. If we weren't sent down here, we all know you'd have been floated. We have a chance to get a fresh start down here, away from the Ark, away from those people who floated your mom, who locked you up- why not take it?" He asks me, looking curious, and I try my hardest not to throttle him for even mentioning my mother.

"Because I still have family up there, that's why. People I care about. And even without that I want to survive. And yeah, I hate them. I hate them for what they did but,,, we can't do that without them." I look down at his transparently fake guards uniform and then meet his eyes again. 

"You snuck onto the ship didn't you? For your sister?" 

He goes quiet before nodding.

"So you must have half a brain on you at least. Half a brain to know we need them, wether we like them or not."

He shakes his head. "You're a strong girl, Ariel. And you're smart. You really think they aren't just going to kill you when they come down? After all you've done?"

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