[The Road to the Wizard King]

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(Takes place when Asta is going against Sekke Bronzazza)


Me, Yuno, and Asta finally made it to Clover Kingdom and signed up for the Magic Knights Exam. We've been here for hours working and trying hard and showing what we can do. Now its the battle part of the exam. To battle someone. And right now we are now watching Asta battle a guy named Sekke to see who wins and most likely to be picked by a Magic Knight Squad. The referee stands between Asta and Sekke and holds his hand up in the air. " Now, begin!! " Sekke smirks and yells out " No pulling punches, remember? " He than pulled out his Grimoire and the booked started to glow a sliver color while opening. " Let's do this, Asta. Ha, ha! "

And with that, the battle began. I looked over to see what kind of Magic Sekke was using, when I than saw some kind of ball shaped shield. " Bronze Creative Magic: Sekke Magnum Cannon ball! " Well, that's some lame magic. Not even going to try to blast anything more fun. While being bored, I heard some chatting going on with one of the Magic Knight Squad members. Also, did I mention I have super hearing too?? " That seems like some fairly high-level magic for an examinee. " A boy that has "droopy" eyes, and his dirty blond hair is somewhat unruly said. He was also wearing a Black Bulls robe. I heard their the worst Squad to join. But, I think their not that bad. Plus, in my opinion, Than the captain started talking. " He looks like an insect, though. A big, spiny pillbug. " His actually right though.

" Come on, don't get shy on me. Ha, ha! " I started to get mad at this guy. So, I yelled out to Asta to win this. " You can do this Asta!! Me and Yuno believe in you! " Asta smiled at me and looked back at Sekke. I than saw Asta's red and black Grimoire come out and all glowing. " Ok. Here we go. " Asta than grabbed his sword and ran very fast to Sekke. And....my god! He was fast! I looked at Sekke's face, and MAN was he scared. " Uh-- " Asta than put his big sword down in the middle of the big cannon ball thing. And, Sekke also got hit by the sword too. I looked around me and saw everyone in shock and just gasping. Me and Yuno just smiled at Asta. We were really proud of him! I looked over to see how bad Sekke was. It looked like he was dead inside. And, his eyes were just all white!

" Unlike you, Sekke, I'm not joining the Magic Knights just so I can slack off and have a little fun. " Asta said while putting his sword on his shoulders. " I've got a much bigger goal. I'm going to be the Wizard King. " Wait. He want's to be the Wizard King?? I looked over to see Yuno smiling. His probably saying something nice about Asta. I than over heard someone talking about Asta. " Is that a magic sword?? " I than heard someone else talking. " So he's not just some poor reject from the sticks. What's his deal?? " " Who is he?? " " And that stuff he said...About the Wizard King... " Asta turning around to the people behind him and yelled out " That's right, you heard me! I'm gonna become the Wizard King, ya got it!? There a problem with that?! " Everyone than started laughing and saying some mean stuff about him. " He's officially nuts. " " Him, the Wizard King?? Talk about delusions of grandeur. " " He's so out of touch with reality. I almost feel sorry for the guy. " " Withdrew already, ya dumb kid! " Asta turned to his right sided yelling out " Who are you callin' a dumb kid?! "

Finral POV

" Huh. Creation Magic, I'd wager. " I heard that Gordon was whispering something about the kid, but I can't understand what his saying. Like always. " based on the other tests, I would've never expected him to have much magic power. " Captain Yami than puts in his cigarette in his mouth and says " Yeah, well....Ha. He didn't use magic power. " Wait, what?? " Huh? " " I mean, it's not so much that he didn't use it. More like he doesn't have it. Matter of fact, I didn't pick up on any mana before. But he's sayin' he's gonna be the Wizard King? Huh. We got ourselves a real odd duck here. " After that little talk, I just looked back at two other people that were going next for battle. One of them was a girl with long brown hair and bright blue eyes wearing a long dark pink and black cape with a dark pink and purple shirt and black skirt with brown boots. She was also wearing a a yellow shaped heart hair pin on the side of her hair for design. " Ah! A cute one girl is going next. I can't wait to see if she wins. " Captain Yami looked at me with a ' Really ' face and just smoked his cigarette. " Serious Finral. " " Sorry, sorry. Man. "

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