Ch.3 Running Into the Man Of Your Dreams; Literally

Start from the beginning

"Jane." I corrected her. I hated it when people used 'Jania' it sounded so uptight. Imagine if I had a british accent and was like 'Oh yes Queen I'm Jania Roy-Al Cepter. How do you do? Would you like some fish n chips?' "And I'm fine. Its not biggie."

"You two are american?" Liam asked.

I blushed, "Yeah."

"We're here as her birthday presant." Beth added.

I shot her a glare, but the boys seemed amused. I couldn't believe they were actually talking to us. I felt like crying. They five boys that I looked up to were all standing infront of me. They even knew my name! I felt so lucky at this moment. They were giving me attention. Something I dreamed of. Something I would die for. And I'm sure I was very much alive at this moment.

"Nice! When's your birthday?" Harry asked.

"Its, ugh, in about a week and a half. On the twenty- second."

"Are you throwing a party? Can we come? Are we invited? Please, I want to party? Oh, I love birthdays!" Louis exclaimed and Beth and I laughed.

"We haven't thought that far ahead actually." I rubbed the back of my neck.

"But Janie here would LOVE it if you guys spent it with her, she's actually a huge fan of yours." Beth pushed. I shot her a 'wow way to be like a mother' look. She smiled. Indicating that I'd thank her for this later. Yeah right. "Plus who better to have a look on London with than people who actually live here."

"You're a fan?" They all asked.

I blushed fifty shades of red. "I, um, yeah." I looked down and watched my feet out of sheer embarrasment.

"You guys I ran into a fan literally!" Niall exclaimed and they all laughed and even Lily joined in. "I'm so sorry about that. Let me buy you guys something to eat as an apology."

I looked up in shock about to refuse since I didn't want to be a burden. Who would want to talk to boring us? They were famous. They had other people to hang out with if they wanted to.

"We'd love to; thanks." Beth answered. She grabbed a sleeve of my shirt and dragged me to a table that was put together with another one to make sure we all fit.

Our sitting arrangements went Zayn, me, Harry. And on the other side was Lily, Niall and Liam and Louis at the edge. I was sitting in between two 1D members. Can you believe this shit? I was so going to put this all over FB... Then again people wouldn't believe me. But it didn't matter because I was definately going to remember this for the rest of my life. My children were going to hear this story. Everyone was.

"Well since your a fan you must know everything about us," Harry teased. "Lets get to know you almost birthday girl."

"Yeah, what's your favorite colour?"Liam asked. They scoffed at his lame question.

"Its green. Any shade but I love lime green. And Beth loves purple." I said trying to include her too since I didn't really want all the lime light. Get it? Lime Light, cause I like lime green? Yeah, I'm lame.

"I love green too." Niall said.

"She knows." Lilybeth teased and I crumbled a napkin and threw it at her. "She really loves you guys. I haven't seen her this into a band since MCR." She looked at my shirt and they followed her gaze. "I think its cute how much you guys inspire her."

"Inspire you to do what?"

I blushed, "Nothing. Its no big deal."

"Are you kidding me? This girl has been singing since we've been able to talk! And now that you guys came along this one is working twice as hard to become something. Its amazing how much effort she's putting into it now."

You Just Have to Dream Hard Enough [Niall Horan]Where stories live. Discover now