my uhhhhhhhh (loNg)

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ok gonna tag u ScaryPastaTeen

WAAAH im still bad at drawing but ok so, they're kind of my guardian thingy

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WAAAH im still bad at drawing but ok so, they're kind of my guardian thingy

here's the first time I met them

I met April in my dream, so the dream is I was talking with my mom. And suddenly a woman (not jawa) and a kid (April) appear nowhere. My mom freaked out and running away. I was going to left my room until my mom locked the fuckinG DOOR. I screamed at her and beg to open it and yeah it opened. Then I'm trying to ran but a kid (red dress/April) pulled my clothes, and I kicked her so hard. I ran  in a black room.  I saw my mom's friend sitting watching TV. I tried to reach him but then I woke up.

A BEAUTIFUL WOMAN WITH KEBAYA AND BATIK. I named her Jawa because uh literally she's from Java (one of Indonesia's province).
So the dream was, I was at the mall alone? Or with my friend I guess? Ok so, I saw Jawa in escalator thingy and she's loOok SCARY AF ok then I ran and told the people because sheS TRYING TO CHASE ME OK.
And the peoples told me to pray. Like alright, I prayed and she's back to normAL. That's all lmaooo.

Experiences with Them.
1| I was 9 at the time, I'm going home ALONE from school.. Then 4-5 guys in a car offered me a candy or something. Me being me, duh, I take that damn candy. JAWA said 'No, no, no. Prilya, you can't take that candy! What if it's poisoned?' Then APRIL nodded. I was like, 'ok.' then threw that candy aWAY LMAO.
JAWA then said 'now, lets go home. your parents will be worried.'
so yea.
the guys didn't chased me lmao.

2|When I was 11, they're no longer with me. It's feels like they're fading away or something. NOW BACK TO THE EXPERIENCE, ok so i was 5 back then. my mom usually take me to home from school. but, not this time. i was waiting fOR IDK HOW LONG. my friends all already go home and not me. then, a guy offered me a ride.
yeaaaah i was safe. my dad askin me how tf i can get here and i got fucking punished :(

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2019 ⏰

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