A New Start?

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'Here we go!' you said to yourself as skin and bone connected with the side of your face. 'It's my first day at a new school and only an hour in someone decided to beat me up.' You hadn't even said anything, you were just walking to your next class and WHAM! Next thing you know you're the one being put in detention after school. 'What a great first day, not!' (Y/N) Sighed. At least she didn't have to worry about not knowing what to expect.

(Y/N) Walked into the room and looked around. It was pretty empty. You found a chair towards the back, put your bag down and slumped into the chair. "Well my parents aren't going to be happy about this." You sighed as you reached into your backpack and pulled out your classwork. "I might as well get some of these done while I'm here." (Y/N) wasn't sure why but she also decided to pull out the odd book she had since she was little. You always had it with you, even though no one wrote back anymore. It was pretty and you still loved to look at it none the less.

You were focused, nothing was going to stop you from finishing your assignments, not even- BAM! (Y/N) jumped from the door being slammed open, not even noticing as her prized book fell on the floor.

You looked up to see a girl who had black hair accented with pink pulled into two pony tails walk in. In truth she looked like a little punk.


"Miko, stop messing around and go take a seat." The detention supervisor did not look the least bit amused as the girl named Miko made her way in. You hadn't even noticed but she walked straight back to you, bent over and picked up your book which in turned snapped you out of your daze.

'Just great, someone to beat me up in detention too....Can't I ever catch a break?'

"Whoa! Cool book! Where'd you get it?" Miko asked looking at you. You blinked a few times. This must be a dream right? She's actually talking to you and hasn't hit you yet!

"Uhh... I've had it since I was little." You said as you reached your hands out, hoping she would give the book back to you. "It's really important to me."

"Oh! It must be pretty special then." Miko said as she handed the book back to you. You felt relieved the minute the book grazed your fingers. Feeling the metal substance on your fingers comforted you.

"Girls! This isn't a club, this is detention! Split it up already!" The detention supervisor was definitely getting annoyed by now.

"So annoying!... Well catch you later..um?"

"(Y/N)" You replied.

"Nice to meet you (Y/N)!" Miko said she then walked to a seat near the window. It almost seemed as though she was waiting for someone as she looked out the window.


It was getting late, the detention supervisor was finally letting us go. As you packed your stuff up, Miko bolted out of the room with a 'see you'. You looked out the window to see her get into a giant green vehicle that had... wait that symbol?! You looked at your book, then to the car and finally back to the book. You blinked a few times out of astonishment. It was the same symbol!

How could that be though? You've never seen that symbol before this book, and now it's on some random vehicle?

You sat there for a moment in shock trying to figure out what was going on. You then heard a noise and looked up to find the detention supervisor holding the door looking at you. You shoved the book into your bag, got up and walked out of the door. The whole way home, wondering why that car had the same symbol and what did that girl Miko know about it?


A/N: I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who has checked out my story so far! I haven't written anything in quite a few years so please bear with me as I'm a little rusty and trying to get my footing back with it!

Starting on the next chapter, I'm going to try to make them quite a bit longer.~

I'm not too sure on how often I'll post updates, however I'm going to try at least once a week!

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