What I am

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Selfish, that is what he sees in me,
Annoying, that is how he views me,
Frustration, is all he ever feels near me.

I am a burden, a hinderance in his life, a mistake, a failure, that is all I am, and all I am is that.

I'm useless, stupid, and forgetful. I have no motivation, "you're  17" he says, "Grow up" he says

I am as useless as a tool after it's broken, motivation always departing, of course, I sit, like a broken doll on display:

I wait, until the next day, just to go through it again, and wish for days without corruption, I wait for a good day with 0 conflict, but it never comes.

I live minute to minute, unknowing when they will explode, so I wait, for years until finally, I'm free.

But lasting scars are struck in my mind, psychological effects that won't leave.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2019 ⏰

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