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"Adelaide?" Daisy asks. I swallow, shifting in my spot, "Yeah?"

"I'm sorry," She sighs.

I look over to her, "Why?"

"For strangling you," She turns her head, looking over at me. She has gashes in her hairline, dried blood sticking to her skin. Her nose is bleeding and her lip is cut. I bet I look just as bad as her.

It's been a couple of days since Fitz and Bucky left, the only other people who have come to pay us a visit are the men who deliver us slop to eat. My body feels weaker everyday and I'm starting to believe that we're going to die in here.

"What?" I shake my head.

"When I was with Hive," She swallows, her eyes filling with tears, "And I sent him in for you."

"Daisy," I smile lightly at her, "I think we're well past that."

"No, I-" she clears her throat, "I never apologized. I always said it was because I didn't deserve forgiveness, but," Her eyes lazily blink, "I want you to know that I'm sorry."

"I know," I nod, "I know you are."

"This world sucks," She continues, swallowing harshly, "Like, really, really sucks."

"It really does," The image of Buck's boot colliding with my face pops into mind. I close my eyes as I feel the pain all over again, emotionally and physically, "Why do they call you Skye here?"

She laughs lightly, "That was my name. Well, it was the name I gave myself. Before I met my parents, I went by Skye. But then I learned it was Daisy. Daisy Johnson."

"I like Daisy better," I hum, "It suits you."

"Its funny," She chuckles weakly, her voice horse, "I was Skye before I had my powers. Pretty soon after I got them, I met my parents and found out my real name. I always associated Skye with the old me, the powerless one. I guess that's still true."

"You aren't powerless," I shake my head, closing my eyes at the pain it causes, "We're going to get out of here. We always do."

Before the conversation could go on, the door opens. My eyes squint at the bright light before it closes. I don't even try and sit up when I see Madame Hydra herself. No, her name is Aida. Artificially Intelligent Digital Assistant. She isn't a real person like she's trying to be here. She's a robot.

"Hello Daisy, Adelaide," She smiles. She's tall, her brown hair fading into green at the tips, curled perfectly by her face. Her eyes are covered in green eye shadow. Her outfit is all black with, you guessed it, green embroidered buttons and seams going down the front of her jacket/shirt.

"The super villain aesthetic works for you," I clear my throat, "Although, green is usually my color."

"B.T. - dubs," Daisy adds, "Your psycho mind prison sucks."

"This isn't a prison," She shakes her head, going to the table that Fitz took the chair from earlier. She sits on it, crossing her ankles out in front of her. She continues, a faux comforting and sweet smile on her face as she explains, "All I did was fix one thing in everyone's life; a regret. The subsequent world is simply a consequence of your actions, algorithms running their natural course, as Dr. Radcliffe always intended."

"This is not what I meant you sadistic witch!" I hear Radcliffe shout from the other side of the wall.

"Guard!" Her smile drops as she shouts. I hear the door open to his cell, before electricity zaps and Radcliffe screams.

Aida looks from the wall and over to us, her smile coming back to her face, "Dr. Radcliffe is clearly still suffering from the consequences of the errors he made."

indestructible. ✪  ‹ bucky barnes › - avengers x agents of shieldOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant