Chapter 20

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Danie's P.O.V.

So it's been a little over a few weeks since Zion told me his feelings towards me. A few days after her told me I end up telling him I liked him back. We're not dating yet but we both know we have feelings for each other.

Right now I was getting ready to go and meet the girls aka Ansley, Izzy and Bianca. We were all gonna go to the mall to buy a few things plus to see if we can find ourselves a outfit for tonight since the boys were having a party.

Once I was ready to go I grabbed my car keys and texted Bianca quickly that I was on my way to pick her up before leaving.


Once we all met up at the mall we decided on getting Starbucks before going shopping. We ended up going to Forever 21, Zumiez, American Eagle, Brandy Melville, Urban Outfitters, PacSun also Lasenza and Victoria secrets.

Once we were done Izzy and Ansley decided on going back to there house to get ready and we would meet up at the party. Bianca decided to come to my house and get ready there.


"So what's going on with you and Brandon?" I asked Bianca

"We're friends" she shrugged

"What about you and Zion" she said smirking

"Well were not dating or anything but we know that we like each other basically."  I said as I went to do my hair.

(Danie's Outfit)

(Danie's Outfit)

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.


We walked inside the pm house seeing that people where already smoking, some drunk and people dancing. We were walking threw the crowd looking for The girls. We ended up finding them sitting on the couch with Austin, Edwin and neviah.

"Hey look who made it" neviah said over the music.

"Hey guys" we said Hugging them and talking with them for a bit. Brandon ended up coming over to see Bianca and they went somewhere.

"Alright imma go get myself a drink" I said before getting up and making my way to the kitchen where the liquor was at.

Once I finished pouring myself a drink I felt arms wrap around my waist scaring me a little. I turn around with their arms still around my waist seeing it was Zion.

"Fuck you scared me Caleb" I said

"My bad" he said chuckling a little.

"When did you get here?" He ask looking down at me.

"Like a half hour ago maybe." I replied taking a drink out of my cup

He was about to say something when one of his friends screamed at him asking if he was going outside with them.

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