Chapter 15

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Danie P.O.V.

I woke up seeing I was in someone's room. I looked around seeing Zion walking out of the bathroom with only a towel rap around his waist.

Like what you see? Zion smirked

What time is it? I said completely ignoring his question.

Around 5. He replied as he got some clothes.

He walked back out of the bathroom wearing sweats this time.

How you feeling? He ask

Whatever my head hurts tho. I replied rubbing my head

Here take these. He said handing me Advil's.

I smiled at him before taking the pills he gave me.

I'm sorry. I said quietly

Why are you sorry? There no reason for you to be sorry! He said sitting beside me.

I stayed silent

Danie Look at me. He said

I looked up seeing he had a worry look on his face.

I'm sorry Nick shouldn't have called you earlier you were at the studio it was selfish of me. I said letting a tear roll down my face.

I don't care if I was in the studio,  Nick called me because you needed me, your one of my main priorities I don't care what I'm doing If you need me I'm gonna help you. So don't be sorry. He replied cupping my face with his hand and rubbing my tears away with his thumbs.

I just nodded my head giving him a weak smile.

What about we go somewhere and eat your probably hungry. He said

A little. I replied

Alright let's go. He said reaching his hand out for me.

I grabbed the Aux cord playing sunflower by post Malone and started to sing along to it.

Hi, what would you like to order? The girl at the cash asked.

After we ordered I seen the girl giving him a piece of paper. I rolled my eyes and walked away to a table.

You alright? He questioned sitting down at the table.

Yeah! Why wouldn't I be? I questioned sitting back and crossing my arms.

What you got there? I said referring to the piece of paper.

It's nothing she just gave me her number. He replied

Someone looks Jealous. He smirked.

I'm not jealous! I replied rolling my eyes

Whatever you say. He replied before going to get are food.

You know I'm not gonna text her right? So ya don't have to be jealous . He said throwing away the piece of paper.

I just nodded and got in the car.


You gonna be alright? Zion asked as we got to my house.

Yeah I'll text you if there's something. I replied.

Alright byee I love you. He said giving me a hug and a kiss on the top of my head.

Byee I love you too. I replied before walking in.

I went straight into my room getting ready for bed.

Hey guys sorry I didn't update for like short time. I've been busy with finishing my first semester in school which I'm now finish with. Also I've been going thru stuff with my mental illness has been acting up lately too. But imma start writing the next chapter today!

Make sure to check out my other book about Brandon mainly!

Instagram- duhitzdanie
Instagram- Prettymuch_kuwonu
Twitter- duhitzdanie

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