E i g h t

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"I will give you an address to where Peter is hidden, if you find him in one hour you can have him. If you don't, I guess ill have to kill him."
"Send it to me now! I only have an hour." Mj said in frustration
"Ok, there i sent it, i would go now if I were you."
Mj got the location, and she ran as fast as she could to the location.
Mj looked around everywhere, she started panicking, she looked down at her phone, she only had 5 minutes. Mj felt the walls until she found a dent, like a secret tunnel. She found a rock and pounded the rock against the wall. Mj finally broke through and saw a long hallway with a door at the end, Mj ran. She only had five seconds when she burst through the door, where quentin beck held a gun to Peter's face.
"STOP!" Mj yelled
Quentin beck pulled the trigger.

Authors note:
Sorry this chapter was so short, I just wanted a good cliffhanger so it's really short.

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