Part 2 (Welcome The Change)

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Words: 1998
Warnings: Cursing, mentions of unwanted flirting

Everything was slowly coming back. You were opening your eyes and felt like you were waking up from a good nap. Which was odd. You had fainted before and felt horrible after. You stayed down on the bed you were lying in, not wanting to sit up just yet. You turned your head over and noticed the IV drip feeding you some odd looking liquid. You made a sound of disgust and then heard footsteps coming towards the bed. You couldn't believe who you saw walking towards you.

It was Bruce Banner. You turned and looked out the window for the first time and your jaw nearly dropped to the floor. You were in The Avengers Compound.

"Hey. Nice to see you awake." Bruce smiled and checked the IV. "This is taking those usually nasty fainting side effects away. We're just going to leave it with you for a bit, just to give your body some time to adjust to being awake."

You listened to everything he said and managed to close your mouth. "Thank you. Wow. This is amazing- you're amazing." The words just pooled out of your mouth without you thinking them through.

Bruce chuckled and leaned against the counter with his arms crossed. "Glad to know someone appreciates me around here." He glanced out the door and caught eyes with Steve and Bucky. He turned back towards you. "I think you have some visitors waiting to see you. Can you handle that?"

"Yes." You answered automatically and that surprised you. That small nagging voice of fear and worry was still in your head, but the part that longed to be in the same room with your missing pieces was speaking louder this time. Bruce smiled and before he left the room, he helped you into a position that would still have you comfortable without pushing yourself too much.

Steve and Bucky entered the room and stood at the foot of your bed. There was a moment of silence. You were the first to break it.

"First of all, I'd like to say thank you." Bucky raised an eyebrow. You sounded so formal, like this was a business meeting. "I suppose we all know each other now." You paused, thinking about how to actually talk to them. You were just amazed and freaked out about this whole situation. This was nothing like you imagined and nothing you could have prepared for.

"We know that this is probably a huge change." Steve spoke up. "I think we all need time to process things and try to have a better way to meet. This wasn't exactly an ideal first meeting."
You and Bucky nodded in agreement. "Yeah. I think we all need to work together with this. It's the three of us now." Bucky looked at the two of you as he spoke.

A bit of the weight you carried began to lift off. The anxieties swirling around your head about your soulmates cleared. All that mattered now was that the three of you were together. They say that after meeting your soulmate for the first time you just want to be close to them. This is how you all felt.

"I'm going to try my best." You held out your hands and immediately Bucky and Steve placed their hands into yours as they moved to stand on separate sides of the bed. "This is all new to me, and in all honesty I'm sure as the days go on I'll be afraid again." You looked into both of their eyes and a small smile crept upon your face. "I feel amazing. You two are amazing, but I don't want you two to worry about me. I can handle myself."

Steve chuckled and gave your hand a squeeze. His blue eyes stared into your own, holding a look that you just couldn't place at the moment. As soon as Steve noticed your captivating eyes searching for something he was hiding, his gaze changed into a soft cushion of reassurance, as if letting you know that you didn't need to force yourself to read him.

Bucky rubbed his thumb in circles across your hand. You broke away from Steve's gaze and locked your gaze to Bucky's icy blue eyes "We all have to look out for each other."

Soulmate AU! Steve Rogers x Reader x Bucky Barnes (Three's Company Too)Where stories live. Discover now