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Obachan said that Nii-chan goes to STC, the famous tennis club. I searched it up and I was surprised to find out that Ike Souji originally went there before going pro. He's going to be so surprised! I can't wait!

I sneak my way into a big building that lead to the indoor courts seen as how I couldn't find him on the outside ones, now it's just finding which court he's playing on. Everyone must be having a break because no one is on the courts; I was peaking through the other side of a net when a voice pulled me out of my spying.

"Excuse me miss? Are you okay, are you looking to join?" A lady with short, light brown hair in a orange tracksuit jacket asks me.

"Shhhh! No! Um, sorry it's just I've come here to surprise a friend and I don't want them seeing me yet!" I bow as an apology and she just chuckled.

"That's fine, who may I ask are you surprising today miss-...?" She asks.

"L/n. Y/n L/n and I'm going to surprise Ei-chan!" I smile at her and her eyes widen at the name, she then looks at the courts before pointing her finger towards a group of people.

"Ei-chan huh? Well he's right over there, don't worry you can go in and good luck!" She says with a wink before walking away. Sorry to disappoint lady but it's not like that. I sweat drop and walk through the net like door and stop when I see him before grinning like a Cheshire Cat.

"EIICHIRO!!!" I scream making everyone go quiet. Ei-chan looks behind him and upon seeing me he drops his water bottle as well as his jaw. Running up to him I jump as he catches me and swings me around making me laugh.

"Y-y/n! What are you doing here?! You're supposed to be in England! Wha- how?" He gasps when he stopped swinging and holds me by the shoulders almost shaking me, I laugh some more as he stops and I look him in the eye with a soft smile.

"Tadaima." I say and his eyes widen and then soften.

"Okaeri." He hugs me again before a cough interrupts our little moment and I look to see a not so happy blonde girl who's wearing a fake smile and the boy I bumped into the other day who I instantly point at.

"Oh! Scary handsome-san!" I whisper making Ei-chan laugh loudly which must have been unusual for the people gathered around by the looks on their faces.

"Scary handsome-san?" I hit his stomach silencing him as I turn to the whole group bowing.

"Hello, it's nice to meet you all finally! I'm Y/n L/n, Ei-chan's childhood friend!" There were a few 'ohhs' and 'ahhs' around the group as I raised my head.

"So how long have you known bro for then L/n-chan?" A boy with short curly hair and freckles asks. Bro? They must be on really good terms huh?

"I've known Ei-chan since he was three!" I held up three fingers in front of me with a grin.

"How old are you?" A smaller boy asks who's wearing a white cap backwards and has his arms across his chest.

"I'm 15."

"Oohhh, So you're a year younger!" An older and much bigger man says, I nod and people start whispering.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2020 ⏰

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