"Yeah, it's pretty damn weird for sure, but its also for school; it's not like he came because we're all best buds." You glanced over your shoulder to make sure that Leon was still among the living before turning back around to look over the menu. "I'm pretty sure once this project is turned in, he'll go back to ignoring us, if not after today. He seems pretty annoyed by us." You added quietly.

"Whatever. We're having fun, its not our fault he's too high on himself to join in." You hummed in response, taking in her words. The two of you bought your food and headed back to the table, you taking your original place next to Leon, leaving (B/f) to sit next to Jotaro. Upon noting that you weren't next to him he shot you an unreadable expression before going back to eating. During lunch, one of your two partners in crime would subtly reference your earlier conversation, be it Leon batting his lashes or (B/f) discreetly pulling her imaginary hat down, trying to make one another laugh. You gave them both disapproving looks, telepathically telling them to knock it off or Jotaro may get upset. He already seemed annoyed at the three of you trying to cover your occasional laughter, the last thing you wanted was for him to find out that he was the butt of the joke. The three of you would probably end up dead or in the shark tank; possibly both.

Everyone seemed at though they were done eating, so you all packed up and moved onto the next area. It was a large room with a couple of large tide pools, a shallow pool that allowed you to touch small sharks, sting rays, and other small sea animals. You would never admit it, but you were always nervous to touch them, usually just letting your hand hover just above them. (B/f) and Leon took off looking for the biggest shark to pet, while you looked for the closest starfish or some other "safe" animal. Jotaro shadowed you as you reached your hand in, running your finger against one of the stingrays that glided by. You retracted your hand quickly as one of the nursing sharks circled by your wrist. Jotaro sighed in annoyance behind you, causing you to turn and look up at him.

"If you jerk your hand away in fear, that's how you get bit." He explained as he himself reached down and touched a passing by shark, a lot larger than the one you moved your hand away from. "They're harmless, or else they wouldn't let small children touch them."

"I'm not scared of them." You lied, crossing your arms. As if to prove it you reached down again and touched one of the passing rays. You moved to remove your hand from the pool only to have Jotaro's hand envelope yours, a squeak emanating from your mouth as he took a step forwards, his body against yours. His hand held yours down as it forced your hand against the large shark he'd touched earlier, while his free hand rested against the railing of the pool, caging your body in. Your eyes cut over in a panic to Leon and (B/f), whose backs were turned to you, too engrossed in who knows what. You internally screamed as you heard Jotaro from above you, "See? He won't hurt you." You had no idea if he was referring to the shark or himself, but either way this situation was too much for you to handle; what would Leon and (B/f) say if they saw you and Jotaro getting up close and personal? Jotaro held your hand against a few more passing sharks before finally releasing you, taking a step back. You turned around to face him, positioning yourself away from the pool to avoid getting trapped again.

"See?" He said, crossing his arms, "Harmless." Your heart felt like it was going to explode. You still weren't sure if he meant himself or the shark; either way you didn't feel like one was less harmless than the other. A shark can easily mangle your hand and Jotaro could easily cause you to have an elaborate series of heart attacks as well as manglw your hand at the same time. Taking a note from his book, you hummed in response before looking back over to the other half of your party, giving Jotaro one last look before making your way over to them, trying to act calm and collected even though you internally wanted to scream.

"What are you dorks doing?" You asked as you leaned against the tide pool beside (B/f), assuming Jotaro wouldn't just do the same thing he did at the other pool while she and Leon were around. You noticed that he was much more physical lately, but only when you weren't around people you knew. You weren't sure if it was because he was weary of what reaction they may have or if he just enjoyed psychologically torturing you when you were alone just for the fun of it; either way, Leon was right when he'd said "safety was in numbers".

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