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POV's Rio

He was like a father to me.

Our teacher is dead. Despite our efforts to it keep alive ...

But... its like that, and .. we have succeced

My mother always travels with my father, so I live alone. they have to work, so I do not blame them. It's for me and them after all.

My mother taught me to fend for myself. it was not for pleasure, just because they wanted to leave me alone.

I sigh, I headed for the trash to throw the rest of the cheese omelette that was lying on my plate, then I put it in the levers; I'll wash it tomorrow, too lazy. then i went sit myself comfortably on my couch to watch my favorite series: My hero academia !!!, I love this series. I also like Kacchan and barley sugar. They are all different, but they are all unique, and particularly beautiful, serious.

I watched it, and then went to bed. I just remember today is my birthday. Pff serious guy? I do not celebrate, so I do not care. I sigh, why did my parents give birth to me? pff next. I do not prefer to know.I put my blanket on my head.

I need to sleep, but shit everything trot my head, I got up and went to the stairs to the attic so I could see the stars better.

'Well, even if I do not celebrate my birthday, I would like to at least make a wish!'

I put my two hands together and thought.

It would be so cool if I have powers, dude you imagine! ... imagine if I would be in My Hero Academia, arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrggggg my dream..And ... I would like to have my family close to me.

I left in my room after finishing, and withheld crying, I lived more than four years alone, I do not have to worry. They send me postcards in which they were in different countries, it made me dream, my mother called me and said she loved me. But these days ...


I had no news. Until I hear the landline ring. It can be mom! At this thought, I go down the stairs, YES CA SHOULD BE SHE! I and headed for the wooden comodo, I took the phone, it was her. it was his number. I respond quickly;

'Mum !! it's been so long since you did not call me, I was starting to worry haha! I say, scraping the back of my head, happy.

'Hello, excuse me, it's not your mother's.' he hissed, his voice irritable.

At these words my mood changed, why was not it? It was not my father's voice. So who was it? Why did he have his phone? why his voice was so horrified?, while all these questions were in my head, he went on.

"... Your mother is ... dead, cause of your father, she died of the wounds that this one inflicted on his ...we took him to the hospital but nothing to do I ... I'm so sorry. "

My heart start beating fast.

'WHO ARE YOU?! Why make a joke as scary !! stop lie!' I scream

' I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, ' he begged.

'It's false' i murmured, my eyes my pupils narrowing.

Hearing these words, the phone slipped out of my hand. My breath became stronger and my throat was stuck while my heart was pounding.

I fell to the ground. I had a lot of trouble breathing, my tears go down and do not stop flowing.

'M-Mo ... Mom ... Mom, Mom ...' I murmured, 'my words are not articulated anymore, I breathe very hard, touching my heart,' I do not have to cry I do not have to not ... 'I always whispered but my accumulated tears, they accumulated they arrived and could not get stuck.

I do not think about it, I do not know it, I do not know it, I do not know it, it does not mean it.

The only person who loved me.

Back in Back;

My mother was getting ready for go. I was ten years old. My father has never shown affection for me.But My mother was always there.

'Mum do not leave please ...' i murmured gently pulling the blue t-shirt she was wearing, on the verge of tears.

My mother turned around and kissed me, she wrapped me in her arms. Whispering to the ear.

'I want you to stay here dear. I will be back soon. And I'll be alone, we'll go both. far from him, I do not want you to suffer the same thing. Know that I love you darling.' She hugged me harder. 'my angel I love you and I will always love you.'

'Y-Yes mum, I love you too, come back soon, do it for me.'

'Yes honey, I'll come back.' she told me simply, without a word.

Back to now

I had not understand, but I finally understood.

' BASTARD BASTARD !!!' I shouted this without myself stopping by tapping my fist on the ground, I cried still.

When my mother told me that she wanted to get away from him, that she did not want to talk to me too much, she wanted to talk about my father.


shit shit shit shit.

I came out of the house, and went to the garden. it was raining, melting my warm tears with the rain rain pouring down, I did not care I screamed,, I headed for the flower pots that were hanging over there, and I toss them, I throw them one by one.

Do not Cry

Do not Cry

'NAKAMURA ,SHIT, STOPPING!' I screamed I fell on my knees while holding my hair, making my neighbors wake up. 'Mom come back ... come back'

Why did I deserve that, huh? why does evil persists me?


Helloooo everybody!! I hope you liked this chapter, sorry for the misspelling. 

[ It's my first story, be indulgent :'o ]

_(*≧∀≦*)/ GOOD BYE!


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