He stayed quiet thinking.

"So are you gonna give your best friend a hug or no??"

I was pulled into his strangely warm embrace. He grew so much since the last time I saw him and I felt myself start crying. I missed these boys so much. He kissed away my tears and looked down at the wound on my shoulder.

"What happened?" he growled.

"Too troublesome to explain."

"You guys do know I'm here right?" Cordelia said angrily.

"Shut up hag. I'll only let you talk so I can figure out how to get you out of Yui's body."

Reiji grabbed my waist and waited for her to talk.

"Well, I want to stay young and vibrant as long as I live. I will tell you two what I hate most. Boredom. It's the most painful thing immortals like us can endure. Wouldn't you agree?"

I focused on my magic and finally healed my wound. Grinning, I pointed a finger gun at her.


A laser shot out of my hand and Richter barely pulled her out of harm's way. Cordelia looked at me shocked.

"Boo, why did you pull her out of the way?" I pouted before grinning. "I'll tell you something good, Cordelia! You're really starting to piss me off, so if you don't hurry up and get out of Yui's body, I'll make sure you suffer mentally. You already know I can do that right? After all, I do come close to my father when it comes to magical power."

She gritted her teeth.

"Wait, Yuzuki. Let her speak."

I looked up at Reiji before pouting and turning away, crossing my arms. She took that as a cue to continue as she sat back down on the couch.

"As I was saying boredom does not suit me."

"You're right. Death suits you better."

"Damn Reiji, you're comebacks have gotten better."

Cordelia's eyes narrowed at us.

"I will take that as a compliment. Won't you sit over here Reiji?"

"Whore" I coughed out.

He didn't answer, just stared at her.

"What's this? Are you being defensive?"

She chuckled.

"In that respect, you're exactly like Beatrix. You suppress your emotions and try to hide how you feel. She ultimately met a useless, pathetic end."

I felt his grip on my waist tighten and I see his frown turn a bit deeper.

"Oh my! Did I touch a nerve? Beatrix didn't seem to love you more than her other son Shu so I thought you wouldn't mind if I slandered her."

"I guess if we're talking about who didn't love who, the same goes for Karlheinz and you!" I grinned at her.

She sneered at me, and if looks could kill, I would be 10 feet under.

"I see, so this is how you turned my uncle and father against each other."

"Are you suggesting that I tore them apart? You make me sound like the root of all evil. You could be right, I may be the reason why Karl's and Richter's once-friendly relationship was ruined."

"Their bond must have not been strong if it was broken by a woman like you."

Richter's eyes narrowed.

MOON OF THE DAY (Dialovers fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now