Chapter 12 What could go wrong?

Depuis le début

Collin: "I knew something must have been wrong, it's a good thing we showed up when we did."

Jordan: "What the hell did you guys do?"

You picked up Samara and started walking back.

You: "White Mask, I don't know how but they managed to get this close to HQ, we need to tell Harry."

Collin: "Me and Marius will go and tell him, Jordan escort them back."

He nodded and as soon as they disappeared from view Samara started to protest.

Samara: "I'm walking."

You: "In your condition?"

Samara: "I don't care, I hate feeling helpless."

You knew she wasn't going to accept it so you set her down, but you slung her arm over your shoulder to help her walk. 

Samara: "When I see another White Mask I'm going to make sure he suffers."

The tone of her voice told you if she wasn't badly beaten she was going to go on a personal mission against the whole organization. You could understand her anger though, these people were animals, inhuman, they didn't care who they killed as long as they got what they wanted. 

You: "It never seems to end, we think we do something but they always seem to come back as if nothing happened."

Samara: "We'll get somewhere, I can feel it."

You told her to stop talking and to your surprise, she listened to you. When you arrived back at HQ nearly everyone swarmed you, luckily Elias understood the urgency of her injuries and managed to clear a path for you.

Yumiko: "We want to know what happened."

Elias: "Do I need to get my shield?"

Gilles: "Not if I get mine first!"

Elias: "Get back here you frenchi!"

You couldn't help but crack a smile at the chaos that was unfolding, you noticed Samara's expression change, you realized she was chuckling to herself. Hearing her laugh was a relief, since the state she was made you worried sick it was something to make you feel a bit better. You walked into Gustave's office and he was already ready for her.

Gustave: "This might take a little while, I'll send her to your dorm when I've properly treated her."

You simply nodded and walked out, to your amusement, Elias had his shield up and he was ready to flash anyone trying to get close to you.

Elias: "I will escort you back to your room."

You: "Alright buddy, lead the way."

He started walking and you followed him, he shot threatening looks at anyone that looked like they were about to approach you. When you arrived at your dorm Elias put his shield down and looked at you.

Elias: "I hope this event won't get to you, you're a good soldier, and most importantly, you're my friend."

You: "Thanks man, means a lot."

He nodded and walked off with his shield up. You sat on the couch and buried your face in your hands.

You: 'God damn it, I going to make sure these animals never see the daylight again, if I don't kill them all that is. Shadow on the other hand, I thought he would a problem, guess I don't have anything to worry about.'

You sighed and laid back taking out your phone.

You: "Should have killed that asshole myself."

You heard a knock at the door and you answered it in less than a second. Samara was standing there and you practically pulled her in and closed the door. You noticed her bruised cheek and sat her down.

You: "How bad?"

Samara: "A few broken ribs, can't put much pressure on my leg, again, plus I should take it easy on my shoulder."

She took off her hoody and you noticed that most of her left shoulder was bandaged, she let out a pained sigh and you started to massage her good shoulder.

Samara: "I'm going to get them back for this, no matter how many I have to kill."

You: "And I will be alongside you the whole time, don't worry I want to get them back to."

She relaxed a bit and laid back, you felt responsible for her injuries and the guilt had you backed against the wall, but nothing can change the past, and the best you could do is make her feel as comfortable as possible.

You: "Do you need anything?"

She looked at you with a look you've never seen before.

Samara: "I can get stuff on my own."

She tried to stand up but you stopped her.

Samara: "Y\N listen-

You: "No, you listen to me, I'm not allowing you to do anything until that leg heals."

She laid back again looking at you with a slight smile and a satisfied expression.

Samara: "I don't need anything right now, I think I'm just going to go to sleep."

She lay down and you got a blanket and covered her up, you dropped on the bed and after what felt like forever you fell asleep.

Rising Shadow (Male Reader X Nøkk)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant