Chapter 12 What could go wrong?

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You: "Okay, we should strike now while we still can."

Samara: "Alright, I'll take the one on the right and you take the one on the left."

You nodded and followed her behind the two White Mask standing guard. She nodded at you and the both of you quickly took out the two men alerting no one. You took their weapons and moved toward a tent, all of a sudden you had an idea and you pulled her away.

Samara: "What?"

You: "Both of those guys had a grenade on them, we can take out 2 tents at once and take out the rest on our own."

Samara: "Okay, but we'll have to do it quickly."

You and Samara walked over to the tents and at the same time threw your grenades into two of them. The last few people came running out but you and Samara had them dead in a second.

You: "Okay, let's go."

You dropped the weapons and Samara followed you back to base.

Samara: "I wonder how they got so close, it must mean they know the general area of where we are."

You: "I doubt it, they probably got lucky, but since we know we can be on high alert."

She went silent so you pulled her closer and she leaned against you.

Samara: "Maybe I'm overthinking it, we should just tell Harry and let him handle it."

You: "I still wonder how they found out, what if-

You didn't get to finish your sentence because the deafening sound of a single gunshot froze the both of you. When you finally regained your composure you could hear Samara's shaky breathing, after a few seconds you realized she had been shot in the shoulder she almost collapsed but you caught her and looked around for the shooter's origin point.

???: " Well, well, look at what we have here, the couple that shot up my men and blew up their camp."

You: "Who the hell are you?"

The man stepped out to reveal himself and a bunch of others appeared with him. You instantly recognized the cross on his mask.

You: "Shadow?"

Shadow: "Oh you remember me, good, take the woman."

You knew resisting would get the both of you killed so you didn't do anything as they grabbed Samara and dragged her away.

Shadow: "Now I'm going to make sure you never forget me."

He punched you in the face and pointed his gun at you.

Shadow: "Now you're going to tell me where your friends are or your girlfriend suffers, what's it going to be?"

You: "Fuck you."

He chuckled and one of the men holding Samara punched her in the stomach and another one pistol-whipped her.

Samara: "You...better not say anything."

White Mask: "Shut up bitch!"

He smacked her and the only thing you wanted to do was drop everyone where they stood, but such things didn't happen, and you were left unable to help her.

Shadow: "Must I repeat myself?"

You: "Go to hell."

This time he just turned and shot Samara in the leg dropping her to the floor. Her scream pierced your ears, filling you with a deep hatred.

Shadow: "Ok, I guess I'll just have to kill her."

Before he could take her life a bullet ripped through his head, killing him instantly. The others looked around and Collin along with Jordan and Marius gunned down the rest of the White Mask, Samara tried to stand but you rushed over to stop her.

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