I Was Told I Have The Petrova Fire

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"Stop this game." He says. "This is not a game, Nik! This is an intervention. You're in danger of losing the love of your life... Me. We're finally together after so long apart, all the world before us, if can just dodge a few minor obstacles. Like this nuisance of a prophecy, my brother's internment, the insufferable influence of Elijah... But what I cannot overcome is your affections for someone else." She says.

Klaus, looking somewhat bemused, sighs dramatically.

"I've waited far too long to share you now." She says. Klaus, knowing that Cami and Angel are in a lot of danger, tries to carefully navigate this situation so as to not get them hurt in the crossfire. Aurora shrugs, and her voice becomes softer.

"Call me jealous." She says. Angel speaks. "I think your insecure!" She says and next thing Angel knows is that she's back handed by Aurora and flies across the room near a dead vampire.

"Angel!" Camille says as she tries to rush over but can't because Aurora forces her to stay.

Klaus walks toward Aurora and Cami and continues to make pleasant conversation as he keeps an eye on a bleeding Angel who groans as she tries to get up.

"I remember full well the extent of your jealousies. But what surprises me is that they extend to the, uh-" Klaus gestures toward Cami and smiles. "The lowly therapist and-" He motions over to Angel who is just now getting up. "The broken Gilbert girl. Aurora, you can't believe they mean anything to me." He says.

"But I do believe it, Nik! I see it, the fear in your eyes." She rushes out. Klaus' eyes widen in alarm, though he tries to cover it up.

"Do you actually love her?" She asks him pointing at Camille. "You know I love you." He says. "What about her?!" She asks as she grabs Angel and puts her behind her. Angel avoids his eyes looking at Cami who touches Angel bruised cheek and bleeding eye. Blood vessels had popped and Angel is in serious pain.

"I never loved her!" She says. Aurora looks at him in relief, and the tension leaves her body as she smiles at him.

"I'm so glad you admitted that. I wanted them to hear it." She then grabs grabs Cami in a choke-hold and throws Angel to Klaus who hold her.

Cami gasps for breath as Aurora, still clutching her throat tightly, turns back to address Klaus with a maniacal smile.

"Before we rip out their throats." She says. Cami and Angel make eye contact afraid and Klaus, too, looks concerned.

"I want to see you do it my love!" Aurora says. "We don't need to kill them!" Klaus says but Aurora makes her point by gripping Camilles throat even harder. Angel taps his leg Aurora doesn't notice. Klaus looks down at her and she give him a little nod.

"Just get it over with you asshole. You did it before! Just like old times huh?!" She says remembering Klaus killing her when she was seventeen. She feels Klaus breath against her neck he mumble a sorry that Aurora didn't understand.

He tries to gently bite into her neck she groans as he starts to drink. He stares into Aurora's eyes as he drinks faster he makes sure she's weak but not really weak. He taps on her waist and drops her. She acts dead her heart stopped. The baby is working it's magic

Aurora has let go of Cami's throat, though she still has a tight hold on her to keep her from moving. Klaus is pacing around the room as he does his best to calm Aurora down.

"Honestly, Aurora... These petty displays are so far beneath you. Wild scavenger hunts, threats against innocent acquaintances... They cast you in a very unflattering light. Jealousy's more my game." He says. "Oh, would that I didn't have the need for it." She says.
"Why should you? Camille is no rival to you. Angel she never had a chance my love." He says to Aurora.

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