Held Captive

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"This is Anton, a very loyal and very dangerous friend. Tread carefully." He says taking Angels hand she doesn't even try to resist afraid he'll use compulsion.

Lucien turns back to talk to Anton letting go of Angels hand as he lets her walk to the door.

"Oh, and, uh, Anton? If you should not hear from me by nightfall, go on and kill her. But, do it quickly. Oh, and for God's sake, don't ask if she has any final words-- you'll be here through the weekend." Lucien says. He then smiles at them before he takes Angels hand and they leave shutting the door behind them. Once there gone, Anton looks over at Cami, who looks both angry and afraid of what he could do to her.

Outside Angel is threatening Lucien. "If she does I'll kill you!" She says. Lucien chuckles. "Don't worry as long as I'm alive she'll be fine.... besides... I plan on sending you back to visit her mid dinner!" He says as his driver opens up the car door for them and closing it once there inside.


Lucien has allowed Angel to go change into something more formal as he waits for her downstairs. Upstairs Angel is looking through her options. "What to wear?! What to wear?!" She says throwing her clothes on her old bed. She kept some clothes here in the compound before leaving to live in her new apartment.

"Angel you have good taste!" Elijah tells her walking over. He's been in the room the entire time waiting for her to choose a dress. She looks at home with puppy dog eyes and he sighs. She can see he's not in the mood. She rolls her eyes. "Fine I'll pick this one then!" Grabbing it and going to the bathroom but Elijah stops her.

"Actually... this one will suit you better." He says holding it up for her to see.

Her eyes widen and then gives Elijah a look. "You never approve of me showing that much skin.... your up to something. Aren't you?" She asks curiously. Elijah nods. "Lucien and Tristan has taken a liking in you... I would tell you to stay away from Tristan because well he's crazy-" he's interrupted by Angel.

"And I'm crazier!" She says. Finishing what he was saying. "Now my brother and I very much would like if you'd- Uh what's the thing you say- oh "pulling an Amelia" on the two." He says casually still holding the dress. She sighs. "So you want me to gather information for my own gain-our gain? And report back to you?" She asks. Elijah nods. "Pretty much." He says.

Angel nods taking the dress he chose for her and throwing the dress she chose onto the bed. "Considering I have Tristan wrapped around my little finger already..... I can pull a few more strings on him... as for Lucien he likes a challenge... so I'll give him one!" She says smirking going into her ripper mindset. As in the ripper mindset she has two one obviously tearing people apart and two manipulating, lying, killing, doing anything you please.

And that's the mindset she goes into. Downstairs Lucien is speaking to Aurora as Tristan stands beside him and Klaus begins Aurora.

"Hello, Aurora. It's been ages. You look-" Klaus, seemingly jealous of this interaction, quickly walks toward Aurora and takes her hand in his own. "You look ravishing." He says. Klaus then kisses her hand, which makes both Lucien and Tristan uncomfortable.

However, before the three of them can start anything, Elijah descends the staircase with Angel on his arm. The three men look at Angel in awe even Aurora thinks she's gorgeous. Elijah begins to speak as they walk slowly down the stairs.

"Welcome to our home! I do wish it was under better circumstances. We all face a common threat-- a prophecy warning that my siblings, Angel, and I would all fall within a year." He says as they make there way to the bottom and stand next to Klaus looking at the three first sireds.

The Prophecy Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang