Padfoot the Babysitter

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Sirius was elated and terrified at the same time. It was his first time babysitting Harry. Lily had warned him countless times that if Harry got hurt she would kill him. As Harry woke up from his nap, Sirius grinned. This was going to be fun. He eyed the broom in the corner, and picked it up.

"Hey Harry, look! Broom!" Harry's face lit up.
"BOOM!" he exclaimed as he began jumping in his cot.
"No, brrroom." Sirius had tried to teach Harry to talk before, so he enunciated the word like Lily told him to.
"Bwwwoom" Harry said with great effort and a look of concentration on his face.
"Eh, close enough"

Sirius picked Harry up out of his cot and put him on the broom. Harry giggled with joy. The broom was only about ten centimeters of the ground, but Harry was acting like it was the best thing in the world. Sirius was holding the broom so it didn't move. He didn't want Harry to get hurt, but what was a little bit of fun going to do?

Sirius was going to teach Harry quidditch soon. He was a bit young, and Lily was opposed to it, but the time he was four, him and James would have him flying on a bigger broom. Sirius got lost in his thoughts, when he heard a thud. Harry had fallen off the broom. He started wailing, and Sirius panicked. What was he supposed to do?
"Harry, shh. It's okay" He said awkwardly. He checked to see if Harry was injured, and all he had was a little red bump on his head. But if he wanted to live, he would need to cover it up in front of Lily.

Sirius started making funny faces at Harry, and the sobs turned into giggles. He loved seeing his godson happy. It was his light in the darkness. Children were so innocent, Harry could still smile and laugh while they were in hiding from Voldemort.

It was time for Harry to eat. This was the part he had been dreading. He had no idea what he was doing. He hadn't been paying attention when Lily explained the rules, as he was busy playing cars with Harry. All he picked up was that if he messed up he was dead.

Lily had wanted Harry to grow up knowing about muggle things, so she bought him muggle toys as well as magic ones. James, however, wanted to give Harry exciting toys. Ones that were probably too dangerous for a toddler.

Sirius got the jar of baby food and started feeding Harry. There was more food all over the room and Sirius than in Harry's mouth. By the time it was over, Sirius cleaned them both with his wand, then cleaned the room.
"Magic!" Harry exclaimed.
"Yes, magic." Sirius smiled. Harry was already growing up.
"Pafoo good at magic" Harry said in awe.
"Yeah, Padfoot very smart" He agreed. Then he heard James and Lily come back through the door.
"Padfoot? Smart? Did I just hear that right?" James asked him with mock confusion.

Sirius made some bubbles from his wand and Harry looked amazed. He stuck his tongue out to taste one "Ehh! Bubble yucky!" Harry yelled. Everyone laughed at his antics.
"Well the house is still standing, so you've already beat my expectations" Lily said, amused. "Maybe now he will be able to say 'mama'" Lily said with curiosity. "Harry, say 'mama'" Harry just looked at her. She tried a few more times, but Harry still wouldn't copy her.
"Wow, he's really shit at that one" Sirius said with a laugh.
"Shit!" Harry exclaimed gleefully. Both James and Lily glared at him.
"Hey, how was I supposed to know he would copy me?" he said defensively.
"Sirius, you are so dead" Lily said to him dangerously.
"Pafoo dead!" Harry said while pointing at Sirius.
"Yeah, Padfoot dead!" Sirius said before backing away slowly, a wide grin plastered on his face.

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