Part 1

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Smoke bellowed from a village, the pillar was visible from miles away, but most other villages ignored it, it doesn't affect them so why should they care, one building inside this village had a 2 kids huddled in a compartment under the stairs as the house burned around them, they had originally been having a sleepover when the fire broke out. They trembled in fear, shortly after diving into the small compartment a burning support beam landed in front of the door preventing their escape.

The flame soon started burning the roof of the room away the boy sighed and said "this is it guys..." this boy was 14 and had strange sigials over his body that were there from birth, he never really knew what they did. There was a loud CRACK as another support beam fell, landing outside the door, crushing the other support beam. The boy huddled closer to the girl in the small room as they pushed up against the wall, embers fell onto the ground. Their area was not safe... Soon enough, there was groaning above, the boy named Dexter leaned out to see a another support beam groaning as it started leaning down, he turned to Sophie and said sadly "there is a support beam about to fall.. This was a fun life.." he leaned out again decided to just watch his end, it started groaning again, there were a couple of cracking sounds, before it started fell, it seemed like time slow down as it fell, almost seconds before it was supposed to hit the stairs, it was incinerated, dexter got a face full of dust, coughing he returned to Sophie side, while dusting his face off, she asked "what happened". He pushed her hand away from his face and before he could reply the stairs door open, there was a young female adult leaning in, she had red, almost fiery hair and a trench coat that was orange and had a red flame like textures on it, she held her hand out, it was a fingerless glove. She spoke gently "come quickly this house has almost burnt down". Dexter was the first to grab her hand, then turned around and grabbed Sophie's hand, the girl quickly pulled them both out and rushed to the door, Sophie and Dexter in tail, another support beam collapsed ahead of them the girl lifted her hand up shooting a beam of flame out incinerating the beam above them. Both Sophie and Dexter were both shocked and terrified by this, they finally darted out of the door and into the front yard, Dexter realized something... His parents were still inside, he turned to run back inside, but was caught by a horrible sight, the walls and roof of the house were falling in.. He fell to his knees

They were dead....

The girl placed her hand on his shoulder, and said calmly "The name's Haley".. Dexter turned and glared at her, she looked away and said "sorry thought you would want, to know" he sighed "i guess you gotta look after us now" she was abit taken back and stared at both Dexter and Sophie and asked "dont you have anyone here that could take care of you", dexter shook his head "noone in this village likes us.. they find us weird" pointing at Sophie then himself, Haley sighed "i do know you have powers, its a weird thing that we can sense.. we being anyone with powers" she paused before continuing "were going to have to go back to my guardians dimension.. well hes more like a father" Dexter and Sophie nodded (sophie more hesitant) Haley nodded and said "follow me" after a small walk they arrived to a shadow portal, Dexter and Sophie both froze in place, Haley turned around holding her hand out saying "its ok, this portal is safe" she paused before adding "trust me if anything where to hurt you id be there to help you"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2019 ⏰

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