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all content of this story was made by me and a few of the characters are made by my friends
Birds chirped, Deers where grazing, and a baby was crying, the small girl was abandoned by her parents because she was different, they abandoned her a few weeks after birth. She was doomed to die, when all of a sudden the birds scattered, deers ran, all life fled away, a dark shadow crept around the baby, a figure then formed out of the darkness, he looked curiously at the baby, why was it alone? where was its parents? but he also sensed something different in the baby, in this world all people with powers can sense other people with powers he decided it would be best for him to help this baby, nurture it, help it grow up and develop its powers.. his mind was set, after a short pause he cooed "come now young one, we must leave i do not have much time" as he walked back into the shadows he muttered "very busy indeed".

(i apologise for such a small story.. the next part will be bigger. I'm just building suspense :D )

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