My focus on everything move they were making. My forehead started to hurt, probably because of my non stop glaring.

Finally the movie ended and everyone was sleeping. It felt like the longest movie I've ever sat though, and I didn't even watch it.

I was being stupid but I didn't care at the moment, I picked Zayn up bridal style and carried him to his room. Unconsciously he wrapped his arms around me and start breathing on my neck, his actions made my body heat. He was so cute when he was sleeping compare to the bad boy image he tries to keep when he was awake. I love the way he has such a soft snore. You could only hear it if you are listening closely.


About seven weeks have gone by since our one night, and everyone but me is back to normal. As I laid on the side of the toilet I just closed my eyes waiting for the nausea to pass.

"Hey." Louis said from my bathroom door.

"Hey." I said weakly.

"It's time," Louis said. " You've been like this for more then a week. I was gonna let you have it your way the first few days of you being like this, but no more. I don't care if I have to drag you by your precious little curls you are going to the doctor today." he crossed his arms and gave me a stern look.

He walked out of my for the few minutes and then returned. He slowly helped me off of the floor headed towards my room where he had already laid out my clothes.

The boys knew I was sick but they did not know how bad I really was. Only Louis has truly been with me the whole time. Lucky for me everyone was out of the house other than me and Louis today. No one asked us where we're going, and no one asked me what was wrong. We were able to come to the doctors office quietly. What wasn't lucky was how I was here sitting in the doctors office waiting to hear my name be called. It's true I'm worried about knowing what's wrong with me, but I still can't get rid of this uncomfortable feeling of being at doctors.

" Harry Styles, the doctor is ready for you." The man behind the counter said.

I sat there not moving until I felt a tug on my arm telling me to get up. It was Louis who standing above me ready to go in with me. Louis led the way towards the doctor into the examining room.

" Hello my name is Dr. Anderson, it is very nice to meet you two. " she greeted us as she closed the door.

I nodded without a word, and so did Louis.

"So Mr. Styles, what can I help you with today?" the cute redheaded doctor said. She looked like she was in her early thirties.

"Nothing, I'm doing fine." I replied looking at the floor.

"No he's not. He's been throwing up mostly every morning or afternoon for the past week, he's tired, and he can't seem to have an appetite for anything." Louis said for me.

" Wow I would have to agree that isn't just nothing." the doctor said a bit surprised.

I just sat there not saying anything while the doctor check my breathing, heart, lungs, nasal, eyes, and whatever else doctors did at normal checkup. She asked me questions here and there, but she mostly had everything she needed from what Louis told her.

" Everything seems fine and normal so far. I would like to take some of your blood to run more test. For now I can give you some medicine for your nausea and call you when I get the test results " she said as she put up her equipment, and login my check up in the computer.

"How long will it take for us to get the results?" Louis asked.

" Since we're a big hospital give us about two to three days and someone will call."

One night can change a life. (One Direction_Zarry_BoyxBoy) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now