Jai picks me up

Jai: well you sure did scare me 😂
Raina: aww now I feel bad, your so cute I'm sorry
Jai: hehe

Jai gives me a kiss

Raina: ok jai enough! Let's go meet sidd and Avneet and the mall
Jai: ugh 🙄 can I just stay here with you all day
Raina: jai!
Jai: fine coming!

Sidd POV

Me and Avneet arrive and the mall, we meet with jai and Raina

Raina: hey guys
Avneet: hey
Sidd: ready to shop girls!
Jai: you guys look excited, but raina you are usually more excited
Raina: I know I just miss Pari, hope she is doing ok
Sidd: she's fine Bhavesh is with her 😉
Raina: oh my god, sidd your a rat
Sidd: I prefer to be called siddrat
Everyone: 😂😂😂

Raina POV

Me and Avneet have been shopping for 3 hours, jai and sidd are sitting on a bench

Avneet: look at those two idiots! 😂
Raina: I know right, jai looks so cute- I mean yeah idiots, they should be helping us shop
Avneet: 🙄😂

Just then a guy walks up to me and Avneet

Random guy: hey girls, you guys look fine
Raina: excuse me?
Avneet: who are you
Random guy: I'm akash, you ladies here alone

Avneet POV

There are so many guys named akash but his voice sounds familiar, like the guy who called me and told us that Bhavesh was "hurt"

Avneet: um excuse me...akash is it...this is a weird question but do you know Bhavesh balchandani?
Akash: haha no, but once I did this deal with this girl named tanisha and called a girl and told her that a dude named Bhavesh is injured- anyway that's irrelevant, you guys are hot

Raina slaps akash across the face


Jai and sidd run up to us

Jai: Raina, Bebe what's going on
Akash: ayo control your girls
Jai: excuse you what did you just say

Jai gets close all up in akash's face

Jai: watch your mouth before I beat you up
Akash: haha idiot!

Jai punches him across his face. Avi pulls out her pepper spray and sprays it in his eyes.

Jai: dumb idiot

Sidd grabs me and Jai grabs raina and we leave the mall, we are now outside of the mall.

Raina: that's the guy akash who was messing with us and told us Bhavesh was hurt and turns out he was working for tanisha...so I just got really mad because I was thinking about Pari so I slapped him plus he was kind of harassing me and Avneet
Avneet: yeah he kept saying we are fine and hot and kept getting close to us
Sidd: damn it, I hate when idiot guys like that come up to you girls
Jai: YEAH! That's why I punched him, no guy should talk to any girl like that "control your girl" like who the hell says that...no I'm pissed I don't want any guy talking to my bebe like that...raina are you ok bebe?
Raina: yeah I'm fine bebe
Avneet: guys if you are done with your baby-baba...lets go to Bhavesh and pari place I tired and annoyed 😂
Jai: ok we will meet you there

India to America: Journey of a High School StudentWhere stories live. Discover now