Chapter 2

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***Author note***

I'm sorry for taking so long!! I had a HUGE writers block, but I'm back now!!



Castiel rolled in his bed, tugging his covers up to his chin as his eyes fluttered open. He curled up into his warm covers, watching the outside world through his window. The snow lazily flurried around outside, coating the ground and trees in a blanket of white. The violent winds from yesterday were gone, leaving a pretty spectacle of falling snow. He sat up, rubbing his eyes, and grabbed his alarm clock. 10:00am. He sleepily groaned and stood up, walking over to his closet and flipping through the clothing. He pulled a cozy wool sweater from the hanger and tugged it over his head, and slipped on some jeans. He walked downstairs, grabbed a piece of toast for his breakfast, and ran over to the entryway. Slipping on some shoes, a tan trench coat, gloves, and a scarf, which was wrapped loosely around his neck, he walked outside. Immediately, he was greeted with a slow breeze of snowflakes, which left cold imprints on his cheeks. He breathed in the cold winter air, smiling and walking froward.

Cas loved walking. Every day for three years straight, he has walked at the least one mile. Living alone was, well.... Lonely. He lived up in the rich side of town, and the house was rather big, in contrast to how many people actually lived there. Going on walks made him feel fulfilled; it filled the hole in his heart, the hole where company should be. He stuck his hands in his pockets and snuggled his face into his scarf as he walked along, leaving fresh footprints in the clean sheet of snow.


Cas walked out of the residential area of the city, and down into the shopping area. He walked along, making his way through the bustling city, with no set destination. As his legs began to grow weary, Castiel walked to a quieter section of the shopping district and found an unoccupied cement bench. He wiped the snow on the bench off and and sat down, wrapping his arms around himself loosely.

"Man... It's cold out....."

Snowflakes gently fell, coating the ground in fluffy white. Cas shivered, watching his breath turn into white smoke. He watched the world around him, as cars zoomed by and snowflakes fell. Winter was always his favourite season He heard his stomach growl, as he noticed how hungry he was.

"Guess that toast wasn't a big enough breakfast."

He chuckled, standing up as he dusted the freshly fallen snow off his coat. Just as he was about to leave to get some lunch, he heard a faint cough from the alleyway to the left of him. He turned, peeking his head around the entrance of the alleyway. He immediately kneeled down, seeing a freezing man lying on the cold, snow covered ground. He was covered in snow. His hair was short, brown. His eyes were closed, he appeared unconscious. The man had ripped jeans, a black shirt, and a leather jacket and a gold coloured necklace.

Castiel furrowed his brow in pity. The man looked frozen... And though castiel didn't know the man nor had anything to do with the man, he felt bad, and felt the need to help. "He probably passed out here during last nights weather... I hope he's okay..." Cas thought to himself, examining him.

"Hey, are you okay?" Cas asked, putting his hand on the mans shoulder. No response.

"Hello?" Cas asked, lightly shaking the passed out man. Again, no response.

Cas assumed he was just asleep, standing up and brushing the snow off his knees. He looked down at the man, not knowing if he should leave or stay or get help... He looked around, had an idea.

"Uh.... I'll....", cas looked around, then looked back at the unconscious man, "...I'll be right back..."

Cas turned and walked the way he came, turning the corner, and entering a small cafe, reaching into his pocket for extra money.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2021 ⏰

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