Chapter 1 Obsession

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Starscream slowly awoke from recharge, sometime later. The seeker attempted to stretch  his arms, but internally panicked, when he discovered he couldn't. He tried moving his legs, but discovered that The same thing had happened to them. Now Starscream was really, trying not to panic. He onlined his optics, looking down at himself, surveying the situation. To his horror, Starscream found himself tightly restrained to a berth, in a small room with no windows, and a large metal door, that was securely locked with a padlock, that could only be accessed, from the outside.

  Starscream would have been lying to himself if he said he weren't truly terrified in this moment. He began attempting to break free from the restraints. Feverishly trying, to break his arms and legs out of the bindings. At that exact same Instant, the door opened, revealing none other than Knock Out. ",Ah, good, you're awake.","knock Out, just what, is the meaning of this?" Starscream asked, confused. ", did Megatron do this?","oh no", knock Out replied. ", I did." Starscream's  optics widened. "what?","knock Out, this is ridiculous, as your commanding officer, I command you to release me, at once", Starscream bellowed, attempting once again, to free himself.

  Knock Out moved closer to Starscream, extending one servo, and placing it in the very center of the commanders chest. Knock Out gently pressed down, not hard enough to hurt, by any means, but with just the right amount of pressure, to get his point across. Starscream instantly stopped moving, A little afraid of what would happen if he didn't. Of course, he would never admit this out loud. "I can't release you", knock Out began. "at least, not yet, not when Megatron is still at large.","i'm only doing this, for your safety.","i've seen, with my own two optics, what Megatron has done to you in the past, and believe me, seeing him hurt you like that, has made the energon with in me, boil each time.","so, I have to keep you safe, by any means necessary!","I cannot stand to see you get hurt ever again, dear spark!" Starscream gasped, surprise taking hold of him. "Wh-What did you just call me?","you heard me, dear spark",said Knock Out, as he made direct optical contact with the seeker. "knock Out",the Second in command began. "I, I had no idea, you had those types of feelings for me.","good", knock Out replied. ",you weren't meant to find out.","at least, not until I could put my plan into action, and now, I have, at last!","now, I can finally show you, just how much you truly mean to me, my dear darling Starscream."

  "you see", knock Out started. "I have admired you, for quite some time." "Ever since the day we first met, to be exact."," The minute I first laid my optics on you, I knew, you were special.","I knew, that I had to have you, no matter what the cost.","now, here we are.","it's just you and I now, my darling, and no one shall get in our way.","there is no end, to the amount of love, and attention I can give you now.","i've seen the way everyone aboard the ship treats you.","they do not give you the proper respect you deserve!","that's because Megatron is in charge, and everyone fears and respects him, way more than they do me.","oh, what I wouldn't give to see Megatron's spark extinguished right now", Starscream lamented. ", oh don't worry, dear spark, that's on my to do list"

"really?","I never expected you, to be the type to want to overthrow Megatron, and become lord of the Decepticons.","oh no, I'm not,"knock Out replied.", Believe me, darling, when Megatron is eventually terminated, that position of power,will most definitely, go to you.","but until then, you will have no choice, but to remain here, under my care, hidden away, where I can keep you safe.","you almost died today, you know.","The damage that Megatron caused to your spark, would have killed you, if left untreated."," That was the straw that broke the camels back.","I knew, I had to whisk you away.","I knew, that if I didn't act fast, Megatron would have surely terminated you, eventually. ",knock Out", Starscream began, trying, once again, to work his way out of the restraints.","I am not some fragile little thing you need to protect.","I am a full grown mech, and what is more, I am Commander Starscream, second in command of the Decepticons!","and I" ,Starscream was cut off, mid sentence, by one of Knock Out's servos, covering his mouth.

  "Shhhh, now now, darling.","no need to get yourself all worked up over nothing.","look at yourself, Starscream.","your body is practically radiating tension, that's not good for someone who just came out of open spark surgery!" Using both servos, knock Out slowly began caressing both of Starscream's wings. ",you know", knock Out spoke as he worked. ",this is all for you.","everything I am doing, is for your benefit, and yours alone.","I will make sure you are content, protected, well cared for, and safe.","safe from Megatron, safe from the war, safe from the autobotts.","i'm trying to give you the best life any one could ever ask for","if I were you, Starscream, I'd be grateful.","but, Knock Out, I cannot remain restrained to this berth at all times!","I would surely go mad from flight deprivation!","surely, you must know, that seekers need to fly, in order to remain sane!"

  "Fly you shall, Starscream.","i'm not going to take that away from you.","you'll just have to fly at night, when everyone else is in recharge.","now, darling.","you're still a little too tense, for my liking, and I think the only way to make you fully relax, is to show you, just how much you mean to me, in the best way, I know how." Starscream's breath hitched, as Knock Out began running his skilled servos seductively up and down the length of Starscream's frame.",you are going to enjoy this, my darling dear spark.","Mark my words, you will enjoy this.","I've waited for so long, you honestly have no idea, and finally, finally, my waiting has paid off!","it's just you and I now, my darling.","no one to interrupt us, no one to spoil this beautiful moment.","no one to witness what I'm about to do to you, and all the different emotions, I will make you feel."

  "this moment, belongs to us, and us alone." Knock Out leaned in close, whispering into Starscream's audio receptor. ",and, just so you know, you are, my, fragile little thing, and I shall, protect you, with every fiber of my spark.","no one, is going to get in the way of keeping you protected, safe, and loved.".",not even you, your self", knock Out whispered, his voice, dropping several octaves. Starscream was surprised, at just how low Knock Out's voice could get. "now then, darling, as we were", knock Out said, continuing his ministrations, once again.

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