Bette- September 18

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*Bette's POV*

"Dear Diary, It's raining today. Elsa says we might as well stay in our tents cause there won't be an audience today. This is disappointing news, what with all the practicing I've been getting in: Elsa was onto somethin when she said I was the real star. Dot may have the voice, but I have the star power- Elsa says you can learn to sing, but you can't get star power. I've been practicing "The Man I Love" by Betty Grable, and I think I'm making great strides. That pink satin- wrapped hope I mentioned earlier is in tact, Diary, and I won't let anyone tarnish it for me, especially Dot. Sincerely, Bette Tattler."

I place my pen on top of my diary as I finish my entry, placing it on the side table. Noticing Dot isn't done with her daily passage I ask, "What on Earth do you have so much to write about?" She ignores me so I lean over and begin skimming. The first couple of lines don't phase me but by the third I see a capital J, followed by an I dotted with a heart, 4 lumps of M's and a swoopy Y, with a curled up tail.

I feel my face stretch into a smile as I read. "And what exactly are you smirking about?" Dot asks sharply. "N-nothing," I say trying not to laugh. "Dot Tattler has a crush is all..." She says nothing but I feel her heat rise. "And I'll keep it to myself, much unlike you would, slut." "Hard ass." "Floozy." We go back and forth with this name calling for a while.

The sound of the rain escalates as the flap to our tent opens to reveal Jimmy Darling in the flesh, 3 mugs hanging on his claws. "Well if it isn't my two favorite girls," he greets us. "How's your day been?"

I beam up at him as Dot tightens the edges of her lips to resist a smile. "Pretty good thanks," I reply for both of us. "Pretty? Pretty's a word for gals like you; not rainy days like this." He winks at me, or maybe Dot; I'm not quite sure.

Handing us the mugs he says, "Elsa told me she cut this afternoon's show, so I thought I'd bring this to keep you from going stir crazy." He pauses for a while. "Besides: feels like the only time I get to see ya is on that stage."

We both take sips of the cocoa as his words slide down our ears like molasses. I watch his lips move but I hear nothing for a long while. Just watching his mouth curl as he speaks, and running a hand through his hair, and fumbling with the mug. All of his little, human inhumanities; his normal oddities.

"-But I've been rambling on for long enough, I have some news for you, girls." He rests his hands on his knees and pulls himself up from the slouch. Before speaking he takes a swig, and looks into our eyes with his intensely brown ones. God, I hope this ain't important- I couldn't listen if I wanted to.

Hey all; thanks so much for the read. This is my very first fanfic, so pwease pwease pwease like, vote, tell your friends, and leave me something cute in the comments! Idk if I should keep going or not let me know your opinions- love you!♥♥♥

Dream a Little Dream of Me- Jimmy Darling and Bette/Dot Tattler FanficWhere stories live. Discover now