Mr. Ojijo would have objected to this, and requested for it to be thrown out, at least that was what Mr. Hunks thought, but all Ojijo did was smile. This worried the prosecutor, and it was not long before he realized that he had good reasons to worry.  

"Can you tell us about your relationship with Mr. David Kariuki?" Ojijo proceeded.  

"Objection your Honor," Hunks protested. He really could not pinpoint as to what it was he was objecting to, but he sensed danger. "I don't see the relevance of this to the case," he continued.  

"Your Honor, during the hearing this morning, we noticed a number of inconsistencies in the witness' testimony. This could only mean one thing your Honor," the defendant said.  

"What is it?" The judge asked a bit curious as well.  

"The witness is lying and that..."  

"Objection your Honor," Hunks interrupted, "Unless my learned colleague here has evidence to indicate that the witness is lying, I will advise him to stop making such accusations," he said furiously.  

"Counselors, approach the bench now!" Judge Kioko growled. They immediately trooped toward the judge's bench. They looked like school children, who had been caught doing mischief. They all knew who Judge Kioko was. At least, they all had an opportunity to previously appear before him. It was clear from their approach that none of them wished to get on Kioko's bad side.  

"Counselor," Kioko looked at Ojijo, "You know your colleague is right, unless you have some evidence, you have no reason to claim that the witness is telling a lie," he concluded.  

"I agree your Honor, but you know as well as all these jurors, that this witness was manipulated in some way, or is under some form of influence that makes her be determined to implicate my client." Ojijo warned.  

"Your Honor, I strongly object to that." Stewart argued in a raised voice. He felt offended by his colleague's continuous insistence that the witness is under some sort of direct influence.  

"Who is this David Kariuki?" Judge Kioko inquired while he decided to take another approach in solving the showdown.  

"That was Mrs. Wairimo's former husband. He repeatedly abused her during their years of marriage. I am only trying to give weight to the fact that this witness is lying and has a motive to do so." Ojijo claimed.  

"What do you think?" Kioko turned toward Mr. Hunks.  

"Having been told this, you know your Honor, I can't argue or stop this considering that Mr. Ojijo will eventually introduce the subject even if he has to call in her former neighbors. Who knows, the matter may have even been reported to the police to make it a public affair," Stewart said, he sounded defeated.  

"Alright, go back and present your arguments," Kioko directed. He looked directly at Mr. Ojijo, "And I don't want any more surprises. Do you hear me?" He warned Ojijo sternly.  

Ojijo affirmed by nodding his head. However, Judge Kioko urged Ojijo to state it differently. The counselors then left the bench, Hunks returned to his seat while Ojijo proceeded with his line of questioning.  

"Who is Mr. David Kariuki?" Ojijo asked the witness for the second time.  

Jane only knew too well that for the question to be repeated, it meant that the judge had allowed it. This saddened her since she had always wished to bury the past. She blamed herself that she agreed to testify in this matter. She really did not think, and certainly was not ready, to publicly pour out her entire life all over again. David was a monster; at least, that is what she wanted to say. Instead, tears began to stream down her cheeks, and she busted out in a somewhat loud and bitter tone of voice, "He was my husband of ten years."  

Let Justice PrevailOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora