Sara: "What?"

Ethan: "That you wont do anything crazy. We're here, too, so you dont have to be the one to win."

Sara: "I understand. I promise."

Ethan: "Will you actually keep this promise?"

Sara: "I know how hard it was for you to agree that I could participate. I wont trample on those feelings."

Ethan: "Im trusting you on this."

We headed off to sign up for the tournament.

One week later.

We gathered at the tournament site.

Sara: "Come one, everyone, if we dont hurry, we'll be terribly late!"

Ray: "Be careful of your tone, Sara. Remember you're dressed in men' clothing. Oh, good grief."

Estel: "Maybe you just shouldnt talk very much..."

Sara: "Yes, that's probably best. I'll be careful."

Estel: "..."

Sara: "What now, Estel?"

Estel: "Oh, nothing, I was just thinking that those clothes also really suit you."

Hmmm, Im not entirely sure how I should take that...

Ray: "Ethan? Is that your idea of a disguise?"

Ethan: "Sure, this should be fine!"

Ray: "You're just wearing a fake beard."

Estel: "I think you should have dressed up as a woman."

Ethan: "That's a really weird thing to say."

Sara: "Alright, everyone, calm down."

With those three finally ready, we headed for the tournament.

Sara: "There are a lot of people fighting today."

Estel: "There arent many chances for people to meet King Arthur. There are probably a lot of people who think they can win the tournament and the ear of the King."

Sara: "I see."

That means that everyone is going to be serious about winning. But we wont be defeated! One of us will certainly win, and then we will speak with King Arthur.

Caught up in the enthusiam and excitement of the other fighters, we waited for King Arthur. Finally, a lone figure appeared on the curtained platform erected on the side of the stadium. A great cheer filled the stadium as all eyes strained to see him.

Arthur: "Everyone, you have my thanks for your participation in today's tournament."

King Arthur!

Arthur: "I look forward to a display of your individual strengths, and to a fair and above board competition."

How dare he speak of fai and aboveboard after stealing Theodore's treasure! I cant forgive him! I will retrieve Excalibur from you, without fail!

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