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When lunch ends, I make my way to Nick.

"Hey, Nick." I exaggerate his name and put my arm around his waist. He blushes again, pushing my arm off of him, because I would have inevitably put my hand on his butt otherwise. Whether it be accidental is my business. I dangle my fingers next to his and hear him gasp.

"What are you doing?" His eyes are wide and full of terror.

"Hey, can you come help me with something?" I take his wrist and lead him to an empty room.

"We're not going to be able to do anything in a small, dark closet." He wiggles, clearly confused as I enter the room after him.

"Nothing?" I take a step closer so our faces are only inches from each other. The closet may be dark, but it's not so dark I can't see him blushing. I smirk and lightly push him against the wall. "Want to skip the rest of the day?"

"Um..." He frowns and looks over my shoulder. I put a finger under his chin, tilting his head so he's looking at me.

"We can do whatever you want. We don't have to have sex or anything. We could just sit here and watch Netflix. Come on, I want to hang out with you." I brush my teeth against his bottom lip and he gasps, sliding down to sit on the floor. I laugh as he sits in my lap. "You're fucking whipped."

"Fuck off, asshole." He cuddles close to my chest as I turn on a Gabriel Iglesias movie.

"Only if you want to." I wrap an arm around him and pet his hair after I prop the phone against something in front of us.

"Why does anyone like you?" He smiles up at me, his eyes brighter than I've ever seen them, even in the dark.

"I have no idea, but I deeply appreciate it." I laugh and kiss the top of his head, holding him close like a toddler. An oversized toddler I like to kiss and want to fuck. Okay, maybe that's not the best analogy. The point is, he's adorable and he's mine. I smile at this thought, snuggling into him and nuzzling his soft blonde hair. 

During the movie, we laugh so hard we keep having to put a hand over the other's mouth, to not get caught.

Immediately after the movie ends, I get a text from my mom.

Mother: Hey, honey. I'm going to be working late again tonight and tomorrow, so you'll have to fend for yourself. I hate leaving you alone in that house, but you can invite some friends over. Not a party, maybe just Fawn or your good old-fashioned lover boy. I love you, Will. Love mommy😘

Will: I can take care of myself, mom. And I'm sixteen! I'm too old to say mommy. I'll ask Nick if he wants to come over. Love you ma😘😘

Nick turns his body around to face me, and he obviously notices something is wrong, because he wraps his arms around my neck, causing him to straddle my crotch. Damn, I can't think about that right now.

"Hey, uh... Do you want to come over tonight and tomorrow? My mom won't be home." He pulls back and gives me a look like I just advertised sex. "Oh, shit, sorry. She's working and I don't feel safe home alone. I'll try to keep it PG, but I sleep in only my underwear."

"Of course I will. Just let me text my parents." He plants his ass right back where it belongs on my lap. I have a sudden vision of us like this, but in a slightly different position. Seemingly on their own, my hands start to slide forward on his waist, my hips moving back and forth slowly. My thumbs hook his belt loops and I lean forward to kiss the side of his neck. I hear his noises of surprise, but he doesn't stop me. I start to slide my right hand up his chest, the other moving lower. He gasps and throws his head back, discarding the phone he was texting his parents with.

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