As the words left her mouth she glanced over at Andrew and her view stayed on him until she gave him a warm smile and he returned it with his own warm smile.

Garrett- *visibly biting his entire bottom lip to stop himself from laughing or saying anything*
Shane- *breaking the awkward silence* WELL let's start watching that movie then shall we?

...*•~Time skip~•*...

They were almost finished with the movie and Garrett and Ryland had fallen asleep. Shane and Andrew were still wide awake but Morgan was drifting off as she was exhausted.

As Morgan drifted off she rested her head on Andrews shoulder. eventually she was completely asleep. She let out one one snore that Shane heard. He turned to look at her and noticed she was fast asleep on Andrews shoulder and Andrew was smiling.
Shane made eye contact with Andrew and tilted his head ever so slightly with a smile and let out a little "aww"

Eventually Andrew too fell asleep with his head propped on top of Morgan's head. Shane noticed Andrew and Morgan sleeping on each other and took a picture because he thought it was cute and he'd send it to them in the future if they ever got together so they could look at sweet moments before they were even dating.

*the next morning*

Surprisingly Garrett woke up first. He sat up and stretched while yawning. He turned to see if anyone else was awake and he noticed Andrew and Morgan.

Garrett- *gasp* oh my gosh how cute. Shane look. *shaking Shane awake* Shane look at them
Shane- *opens his eyes and yawns* what time is it?
Garrett- I don't know but look at Andrew and Morgan
Shane- *sits up* oh yea I saw them like that last night too, I got a picture of it as well *opens his phone and shows Garrett the picture*
Garrett- awwwe. Do you think they like each other
Shane- I don't know I'll talk to andrew. And then Ryland Because you know, Morgan is his sister after all.
Garrett- should we wake them?
Shane- no why would we do that
Garrett- i dunno... interrogate them?
Shane- Garrett it's 9 am the only interrogation they probably want right now is a Taco Bell employee asking how they like their breakfast burritos let them sleep in peace
Garrett- ME *laughs*
Shane- *laughs.* also not to mention Morgan also just got human trafficked, Andrews probably shaken up and Morgan probably cares more about her safety right now than us knowing about whatever feelings they may have for each other.
Garrett- okay true.
Shane- Garrett I'm gonna go to Taco Bell to get breakfast burritos do you want to come with me?
Garrett- sure why not

Shane and Garrett left the apartment to get to Taco Bell.They left a little note on Morgan's door saying that they went to Taco Bell and will be back soon.

Andrew opened his eyes. He questioned where he was for a moment but the memories from last night quickly flooded his mind and he realized who's apartment he was in.He turned to see Morgan asleep on his shoulder. He looked around and noticed Shane and Garrett weren't there. "That's weird" he quietly said to himself. His phone was barely out of reach for him. He could have gotten up but he didn't want to wake a tired morgan up. He slowly repositioned himself to be in reach of his phone. He grabbed it but Morgan woke up.

Morgan- wait why are you and ryland here? Oohhh
Andrew- yea goodmorning.I didn't mean to wake you up sorry.
Morgan- it's okay. Also sorry I fell asleep on you I was just really tired an-
Andrew- don't apologize. I didn't mind.
He calmly said smiling.
Morgan returned the smile and then looked around and noticed Shane and Garrett weren't there.

Morgan- where'd Shane and Garrett go?
Andrew- I actually don't know I was about to text them.
Morgan- oh okay.

Morgan got up to eat her favorite fruit(raspberries) and have some iced coffee. "Andrew do you want anything to eat or drink" the blonde asked across the room. "No I'm good thank you though" Andrew replied still writing his text to Garrett wondering where him and Shane were.

Morgan was walking back to the couch with her raspberries and coffee when she noticed the note on the door "oh" she simply said "Andrew they're at Taco Bell" Morgan stated "Garrett just told me.he said he left a note on the door though?" Andrew said back "yea I just saw the note" she replied pointing to the door.

Morgan sat back down on the couch next to Andrew.
Morgan- how is Ryland still asleep
Andrew- I don't know. is he breathing?

Morgan walked over and stood still to see if he was breathing.
"Yea he's alive" Morgan said smiling at Andrew
"Well that's good" Andrew said, also smiling

The two decided on watching vine compilations while waiting for Garrett and Shane to be back.

Shane opened the door with a Taco Bell bag in his hand.
Shane- good morning to my favorites
Andrew and Morgan- good morning
Andrew- where's Garrett?
Shane- oh all the hot sauce packets spilled out in the car so he's picking them up and getting the drinks
*10 seconds later*
Garrett- *knocking on the door*
Shane- *opens door*
Garrett- I have the drinks! And all the hot sauces
Morgan- yass
Shane- *laughing* how the fuck is ryland still asleep?!
Morgan- I don't know *looks at Andrew* but he's breathing! *smiles*
Andrew- *quickly smiles at Morgan then looks down while laughing a little*

Shane looked at the two and tilted his head in confusion.
Shane- do y'all know something I don't?..
Morgan and Andrew- no *laughing*
Garrett- what are y'all laughing about

Andrew and Morgan were laughing even harder now. They didn't really know why considering Ryland still being asleep wasn't that funny. Maybe it was because of the simple laughs they exchanged when morgan said Ryland was alive or maybe it was because Shane was becoming more confused and that humored them. Neither knew but at this point they were laughing at each other laughing.

Shane- are you guys high?

Andrews face was red from laughing so hard and he could barely breath, he slowly fell to the ground while silently laughing

Shane- oh my god did you drug ryland?!

Morgan- *trying to breathe while choking laughing* no oh my gosh

Garrett was recording on his story. "Guys something is wrong with them they've been laughing at nothing for almost 10 minutes now" Garrett stated while still recording morgan and Andrew. He put the camera on Shane who was confused while watching morgan and Andrew nearly pass out on the floor. Then he zoomed in on Ryland still fast asleep on the couch. He put it on his story and then put his phone away.

Garrett- seriously you guys what happened?

The two finally calmed down a little bit and sat up to explain to the rest that they didn't really know why they were laughing either.

Authors note-
Sorry this is so long lmao I kinda just write in this when I have free time for fun so take it lightly. Anyways I hope y'all have a good day or night <33

P.S I was too lazy to proof read for any typos so don't mind all the errors there might be

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2020 ⏰

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