Late Night Snack

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First trimester. 1-12 weeks.


NO. I'm not talking about Jennie when I say late night snack.

You know how pregnant women are. They crave things. It's okay to crave things, but when it's 1:16 A.M! It gets a little too much. She just doesn't crave snacks. She craves full five course meals.

I groaned as Jennie kicked me out our king sized bed.

"Hurry back!"

I lay on the floor for a while.

I let out another groan, but since I love my wife and the little baby she is carrying in her stomach, I walk to her side of the bed and kissed her.

"I'll be right back with pizza you said?"

She nodded.

"You hate pizza."

"I'm just craving it now baby, I want it now!" She got a little upset, so I quickly gave her another kiss.

"I'll be back!" I said as I ran to the closet to grab a coat.

"So moody." I said as I closed our master bedroom.

"I can hear you Manoban."

I winced at the words Jennie said. Apparently, pregnant women have a keen sense of hearing too.

"I love you!" I said through the closed door. All I heard was a thud on the other side, she must've thrown something. I quickly ran down the stairs to get her the pizza she craved.

This has been going on for sometime. What Jennie craved, Jennie got. No matter what time it was, I'm not joking.

I was in surgery, thankfully not a major one, when I got a phone call from my wife asking me to get her pickles with peanut butter and cherry on top with whip cream slobbered on it? I thought she was kidding, but she yelled through the phone and my ear drums almost popped, my ear was still ringing when I got to the house with her request.

What happened with the surgery? Luckily, we had another gynecologist so I asked her a favor to finish the surgery. I knew then and there, I needed a year long vacation. I wanted to take care of Jennie and our baby, since money isn't a problem, we both took a leave from our jobs and now I'm in front of my house with my slippers and pajamas.

It's one a.m. of course no pizza place will be open.

I walk over to Jisoo and Rosé's house. A sleepy Jisoo with disheveled hair opened the door with annoyance.

"What does she want now?"


I got in, Jisoo scratches her butt unconsciously and then her head.

"I thought she doesn't like pizza?"

"That's what I told her, but she got all 'beasty' on me so I came here to make pizza."

"Should I tell Jennie you called her 'beasty' Lisa?" Jisoo grabbed a cup of water from her fridge.

"What? No!" I yelled a little too loudly.

"Be quiet, Chaeyoung is sleeping!" She whisper yelled. She pointed to the sofa in the living room.

"Why is she ther—I don't wanna know."

"Give me your precious bike for a week and I won't tell Jennie what you called her."

"You're blackmailing me."

"When you work with your wife, you'll learn this is how she gets what she wants."

"By blackmailing people, is it illegal?"

"What she does is not illegal, but what other people do is."

"I'll give you the bike."

"Great, now help me bring Chaeyoung back to our room, I can't carry her on my own."

"Okay. You get sleep, I'll clean up everything after I'm done."

Lisa returned to her home.

"Hey baby?" I bring the pizza into our bedroom.

"Hmm." Jennie hummed.

"I brought the pizza." I walked over to her side and placed the pizza on her bedside table.

"Mhmp." Jennie brought her hands up to her mouth, I quickly helped her out of the bed and into our bathroom.

Jennie then threw up the dinner we had last night. Just a couple hours before.

I patted her back to help her and soothed it by rubbing up and down.

"Baby, don't give your mother a hard time." I told the baby inside her stomach.

"You Okay Love?" I asked Jennie as she lay her back on the bathtub.

Jennie nodded weakly and tried to get up, she was a little unbalanced so I held her back for support.

"I don't like the first trimester, how am I going to make it to the second?"

I soothe her back.

"We'll make it through, for our baby?"

"For our baby." I can tell how tired she was. Jennie got out of my hold and ran to the pizza. "I'm so hungry."

"I'll go get water." Jennie nodded and I quickly went back down stairs to grab a water bottle.

When I got back, Jennie was finished with half of the pizza.

My eyes bulged.

"Jennie slow down!" I sat beside her and she began to drink her water.

"I was hungry baby." I scrunched my eyebrows, not because I was worried, but because the tone in her voice changed. Jennie wiped her greasy hands and put on hand sanitizer.

"You took so long babe." Jennie moaned her words. Okay maybe I should be worried.

"I'm here now, you need anything else?"

"Yes Love," she pouted, "I need you."

Jennie straddled me.

"I'm here." I placed a kiss on her lips.

"I need you in me." Jennie kissed me with fierce.

"Calm down tigger, my baby needs sleep." I placed my hands around Jennie's waist.

"Well, this baby may need sleep." She pointed to her stomach. "But this baby needs you." She pointed to herself.

"I knew this would happen. I'm loving it." I laid her down gently on the soft mattress hovering on top of her.


She moaned as I massaged her breasts through the fabric. They felt tender. I went down to kiss her, our lips never left each other. She had her legs around my waist while I pleasured her. She squirmed underneath me, I took off her maternity dress and was glorified, she was in her state of nature. I wasted no time to get back to pleasuring her.

"Be careful baby." She managed to say  while I trail kisses down her torso.

My hands went to her motherhood and found her sensitive spot. She moaned and I stimulate it. I went back up to kiss her.

"I hope the baby won't be disturbed."

I know I said Jennie wasn't the late night snack I was talking about, but it wouldn't hurt anybody if I ate right?

A/N - Thank you for reading!

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