Wendigo part 1

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The Guardians we're waiting for jack to arrive. " Where is that bloody show pony." Bunny was so frustrated at the winter spirits. " He is never this late." Even though the two have made up but jack acted like an annoying little brother. " Oh no what if something happen to him." Tooth said anxiously. But Sandy showed a globe and then a light. " Yes Sandy is right!" North boomed when they looked at the globe they so the light blue light up by the great lacks but what was wearing is that the lacks aren't sapost to have winter there yet they decided to go and see what was going on " to the slay."

When they finally made it to the great lakes they didn't see anything but Forest at first until they heard a unnatural screen and them a familiar voice. " Hey you horn heads you are not sapost to be here." The Guardians looked at each other before running in the direction of of Jack's voice. When they got there they so Jack in combat with a pack of monsters there skin is a ice blue, hollow eyes, dear horns on the sides of it's head, sharp teeth that can rip flesh, it is as thin as a skeleton, and finally it has Razer sharp claws. There was about five of them and all of them were attaching jack.

"Jack!" The Guardians called out this cosed jack to turn around giving the Guardians a saprisd look but it also had the affect of caching the monsters atenchin they let out a cry and ran unnaturally fast at them they didn't have time to pull out there weapons but jack got in between them blocking one of the monsters with his staff just keeping it at Bay as it snapped it's jaws at him but jack was able to push them back with a blast. " What are you doing here!" Jack yelled. " Jack sweet tooth what are those things." Tooth asked cautiously jack couldn't answer because the cry of the monsters. " No time for explaining I will tell you when we tack care of them first." And with that they attacked.

It was a long fight but finally the monsters stopped moving. " Ok frostbite tell us what is going on." Bunny demanded. " It's not over if we don't burn them they will come back I usually can't do that because heat hurts me so I would move them far away from civilization but please we need to do this first." They just nodded they wanted an explanation but followed what jack said.

When the monsters were put into the fire there body's burned away until all that was left was there ice hearts still betting until finally they to burned away and within the smoke five native Americans souls appeared two adults and three teenagers. They smiled at them and Jack smiled back. " You are finally free now go be at peace." " Thank you Spirit of Winter." The souls said before disappearing.

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