You giggle a little and say "Well obviously! Come on, We don't wanna miss the first task do we?"

Ron smiled and jogged up to you and said "Of course!"

You and Ron went and stood in front the third row with Hermione.

When she noticed that you where with Ron smiling and laughing she looked quite confused.

You noticed her confusion and said "Don't worry Mione (Hermiones Nick Name I'm not quite sure if I used it already in this book I might have an forgotten that it existed so sorry if that's the case.)

Me and Ron have forgiven each other!"

She smiled and nodded giving me a quick hug

"I wonder who's-" Hermione was cut off by a loud


It turns out Flinch set off the cannon symbolising that one of the champions of coming out.

The first champion that came out was Cedric and his dragon was The Swedish ShortSnout.

Next was Fluer and her dragon was The Welsh Green Dragon.

Then it was Viktor with The Chinese Fireball.

And now it's Harry's turn and you knew there was only one dragon left that Hagrid told you both about The Hungarian Horntail.

"Three of or champions have now faces their dragons and so each one of them will proceed into the next task. And now our fourth and final contestant!" Dumbledore spoke loudly

I was surprised most people started clapping for Harry but what more surprised me that Ron actually clapped as well!

You clapped with everyone else and stared chanting Harry with the crowd of people who where as well.

You could se Edelman your seat Harry come out of a small cave like everyone else did

Harry took a couple of steps cowards and the Horntail struck his long spiky tail at a rock beside him making everyone gasp out.

You watched on edge (I would say on the edge of your seat but you aren't sitting down :(  )

(Wait that made no sense 😂😂😝)

Back too the story!

Harry was flung backwards violently but got up quickly and started running away from the dragon.

As Harry ran it started too breath fire at him making people move closer over the edge of the stadium.

Harry tried jumping onto a rock but The Horntail already knew his move and attacked him beside him making myself and a lot of people gasp and yelp.

Harry got back up again and started running towards a rock

The dragon started chasing him breathing fire once more.

Harry hid behind the rock for a couple of seconds

A lot of people assumed he was going too die or give up.

"YOUR WAN HARRY!" Hermione screamed from the audience

"USE YOUR WAND HARRY!" You scream with her this time making Ron look at you's not in a negative type of way but definitely not a positive one.

Harry then looked up at you both

You could tell he wanted too give up but he knew that if he did he wouldn't stop hearing it from everyone especially yourself and Hermione.

Harry pinged his wand at the dragon and shouted


Harry the kept on running and hiding waiting for the firebolt too come

As it came closer too Harry he hid behind a small rock as the Dragon breathed fire at it.

Once the firebolt was close enough Harry jumped onto it and went speeding off.

Nearly everyone clapped and cheered for Harry again EVEN RON DID!

Harry went in circles the clapping soon stoped abruptly because the Dragons chain around its neck snapped off which made it loose.

Everyone stared freaking out a bit scared for Harry life and even their own.

"Holy shit!" I cursed under my breath

I held onto Ron for safety

You could tell Ron's body tensed up but soon loosened as he slipped his arm around you making sure you would be fine.

Harry then flew into the teachers tent part and the dragon went after his making all the teachers move out of the way some even falling.

You giggled slightly removing your hands from Ron start clapping

Ron did the same

The Weasley Twins went mental and started cheering on the dragon!

"WELL DONE DRAGON!" Yelled Fred from above you

You began giggling even more about what they said

Harry soon flew so far no one could even see him anymore.

Everyone waited not knowing is Harry was still alive or not

You could only even the Dragons roars of anger from where you all where.

"What if he doesn't make it back alive!" You heard Pansy squeak out in excitement

"Shut it! Fuck Face!!" You yell at her earning a few snorts and giggles from other students including Fred and George above you cheering you on.

No one could hear the dragon or Harry it was just dead silence until....


The crowed of people went wild too see him still alive

You cheered very loudly for him and so did Hermione.

Harry then landed and got too the Golden Egg and started to hold it up for everyone could see.

You clapped for his bravery and being a fucking legend!

You noticed out of your left eye that Pansy and her quote on quote 'boyfriend' Draco where looking at you

Pansy whispering a bunch of shit about you but you couldn't care less.

You turn too them and stick your tongue out at them

You could see Pansy give a disgusted face while Draco just gave you a stone looked expression which held?

God knows what expression he held in that face of his!

You then turn your attention back onto Harry and smiled still clapping and cheering him on.

'Well done Harry!'

Word count 1,449

Boys Boys and more Boys Harry Potter various x reader *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now