Haruto is born

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Haruto POV

'I feel so cramped in this bubble when will I be able to get out but in the meantime I might as well get some rest since it will take a while for me to get out. I hope I get too see my family and I will be the best son they ever had. Even if they love me or not I will prove to them how special I really am no matter what'.

Kisara POV

I look down at my growing stomach and smile softly. "You will be born soon my darling I hope you will look up to us but we will try and teach you everything we know. We both love you Haruto so very much no matter how much we hate you or you hate your father and I we will love you no matter what."

Masaru POV

I heard my wife talking to her stomach so I walked over to her, kneeled down to her tummy and asked "you talking to baby Haruto again dear" as I chuckled softly.
She said "well of course I am how else would he know who we are plus we love him" she smiles softly. "That's absolutely true, love and are you excited till he comes to meet the new world" I said.

Kisara POV

"Of course I'm excited for him to meet the world but" I said. He said "but what dear you can tell me you know that" he holds her hand.
"But what if he doesn't like this world" I said with teary eyes. "Sweetie we will show him of what it means to be a shinobi, even if we die trying ok" He said. "Alright dear I love you and Haruto" I said. "We love you too honey" he said  kissing my lips softly. I kiss back then we pull away from the kiss.

Haruto POV

I put my hand on my chin thinking of what I should do then I get a lightbulb above my head.
'I can meditate to get my chakra in balance, plus I might need it when I get out'. So I start meditating while trying to balance my chakra.

9 months of Haruto meditating

Kisara POV

I'm in the kitchen cooking for breakfast when all of a sudden my water breaks and I yell "MASARU GET IN HERE MY WATER BROKE".
I hear him rushing down the steps and into the kitchen. "Alright turn off the stove and I'll call everyone to go too the hospital" he said. Then he rushes sending a letter to his mom who's watching Okashi at the park then he ties the letter around Akita's neck who rushes out the door and heads to the park. I turn off the stove and we both teleport to the hospital.

Akita's POV

I rush out the door running to the park, everyone in the clan backs up for Akita to give him room seeing that he's in a rush. I think 'I hope I make it on time to deliver this or else I'll be too late also I don't wanna miss my new masters birth when he comes plus neither does Aku'. I see Akito on the bench 'there she is' I go to her and shows her the letter.

Akito's POV

I see Akita running up to me and I hope that it's time that grandson is coming today. He shows me the letter as I read it which says 'we are going to the hospital, Kisara water broke and we are going there now and once you read this get here ASAP we don't want okashi to miss his cousin being born' I stand up and say to Okashi. "Hey Okashi it's time let's go auntie is at the hospital and your cousin is coming today" I said. Okashi said "yay I'm so excited to meet him" he comes running over after waving goodbye to the other kids who he knew and didn't know. They teleport to the hospital and wait in the waiting room but they didn't know how long it would take.

After 2 and a half hours of Kisara pushing

Haruto POV

I see a light but I start crawling to the light and as I go to the light I see hands pull me out of my warm home then I hear someone say "it's a boy" and I start crying as the nurse cleans me up and wrap me up in a blue blanket. They carry me to who knows where, but I get placed in warms arms that feel soft and caring aura around the person.

Kisara POV

I hold him in my arms and look down at him, smiling "welcome to the the world Haruto I'm happy that I get to hold you in my arms instead of my belly" I said. Takeru looks down at him and smiles "hey buddy it's ur mom and dad we are happy to meet you and see you in your moms arms" he said.

Nurse POV

I go out of the uchiha's room and tell akito along with Okashi to go in the room. "You guys can go in now" I said. Then I leave to go check on Mikoto and Fugaku on how they are doing.

Time skip after meeting Haruto and leaving the hospital after a couple days

Kisara POV

As we were walking home from grocery shopping there was a loud roar and the sky was turning black that had lightning in the sky. "What's happening dear" I said. "I don't know but whatever it is it's really loud and has lots of chakra" Masaru said.

Karamu POV
"Where are my brothers and sister tell me Konohagakure where are they, tell me." My tails start hitting everything and everyone but I sense a strong chakra nearby. 'What's this a new host is nearby where could it be at'. I look around at the people and I see someone holding a baby and I see strong chakra around the baby. 'Bingo'.

Kisara's POV

I see Karamu the 9 tail Cerberus staring at Haruto in my arms. 'Uh oh we should put a sealing jutsu on Haruto before this gets out of hand'. "Honey you thinking what I'm thinking right now" I said. "Yea we should do it now before it makes a another attack" Masaru said.

Kisara and Masaru POV

After every Anbu held the beast in place with chakra strings, we put a seal on the ground then put Haruto in the middle of the seal showing his little stomach. After copying lord 4ths eight trigrams sealing style with our Sharingan before him and kushina died we knew that we would need it someday. "Ready love" Kisara said. "Yep I'm ready" Masaru said

Time skip after sealing Karamu into Haruto

Half of the Sumeragi clan died from Karamu and protecting there clan but the other half of the Sumeragi clan was alive. Haruto starts crying cause he senses that his mom,dad and cousin died from protecting his life. After the funeral Akito decided to take Haruto in as her child cause nobody wanted to take him in.

Naruto: Haruto Sumeragi x Sasuke UchihaWhere stories live. Discover now