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The first time I met you
I was a black hole,
Squeezing myself out of myself
Every waking hour
A snake gobbling up its own tail
A vicious circle
A never ending chasm of unrest

The first time I met you
You were the sunshine
A brimming pot of golden light
A meadow of joy,
A beacon for my flickering hope

You fed the insatiable black hole
With your unending light
Even when light from darkness
Never did rise

You were the tranquil lake to my waves
Absorbing them all
Into glistening ripples
You rekindled the fire within me
In the eye of my cyclonic self

The last time I saw you
I broke
All the walls of restraint
Came crashing down
Unleashing furious powers
Of self destruction
Fuelled with self contempt,
Pity and hate

Now I'm something I had never been
An infernal tornado
With fires from hell
Leaving ruins in my wake
As I rampage through myself
Sucking myself into the vacuum
Of my hollow heart
The feeble memory of a past shimmers
The first time I met you
I was only a black hole

poem by katnissgranger95  

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