Entry #1 (One)

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If you're reading this, then you probably already know about what happened to witches and warlocks alike. And you probably already know I was the main cause of it all. I mean, I wasn't the only one involved, but I was the one who took action. I keep talking as if you know exactly what happened, don't I. I can't expect anyone to know all the details of the incident that occurred on that treacherous night. So, I'll go ahead and recite all that happened.

I shall start a week before all the drama happened, May 15, 1692.

It started out as a regular Monday for a witch with regular classes and regular gossip and regular friends. But that Monday was the day I met him. You might be wondering who him is. Well, I'm not going to tell you. Not just yet. Before this, I should properly introduce myself to those uneducated fools who don't know who I am.

My name is Circe Evanora. I am the eldest of my family line. I have two other sisters, the middle child, Phoebe Evanora, and the youngest child, Jadis Evanora. We are all witches, including my mother, Joan Evanora, and my father, who is a warlock, Oscar Gydias. The Evanora family has been filled to the brim with witches and warlocks for longer than I can remember. For the most part, that's all you really need to know about myself and my family. Back to my retelling.

Now that that's done, I guess I'll tell you who him is. Him is a boy named Mark Gwydion. He's from the second strongest family line of warlocks. Not to mention he's pretty cute. Mark has a brother, Edward Gwydion, and Edward is one of my closest friends. I've grown up with Edward and I trust him with my life, even though that might not be such a great idea..

You're probably wondering, What's the point of all these boring descriptions? I thought this was going to be fun, Circe! Well, I'm getting to the fun part, alright! I just needed to clear up some stuff so you guys aren't lost throughout my retelling.

Now, we finally get back to that regular Monday I was talking about. Remember that? Well, you should, I just described it 4 paragraphs ago. So, basically, I was walking down the crowded hallways, trying my best to get back to my locker since the books I was holding were killing me slowly. Now, you may be thinking, Oh, she's gonna drop the books and that Mark dude is going to help her pick them up like every highschool cliché. Well, your wrong. I successfully made it to my locker after shoving my way through those crowded hallways. Now, this is when Mark enters the scene. Somehow, sometime, Edward had found me through those crowded hallways. I don't know when, he just sort of appeared. And don't even ask me how Edward found the 5'4", petite little witch who barely even stands out within that sea of witches and warlocks. When we found my locker, we also found Mark, leaning his back against the door of my locker, fiddling with one of my many tarot cards, his eyes searching the faces of each passerby as if he was looking for me. Edward had noticed his brother in front of my locker as well, and you wanna know what he did? He smirked. He smirked and walked away, leaving me to approach Mark alone

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2019 ⏰

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